Tradescantia bracteata (Long-bracted Spiderwort)
Also known as: | Bracted Spiderwort |
Genus: | Tradescantia |
Family: | Commelinaceae (Spiderwort) |
Life cycle: | perennial |
Origin: | native |
Habitat: | part shade, sun; dry sandy soil; prairies, along roads, edges of woods |
Bloom season: | June - August |
Plant height: | 2 to 12 inches |
Wetland Indicator Status: | GP: FACU MW: FACU NCNE: FACU |
MN county distribution (click map to enlarge): | ![]() |
National distribution (click map to enlarge): | ![]() |
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Detailed Information
A raceme of a few to many flowers form at the top of the plant, rarely from a branch arising from a leaf axil in the upper plant. Flowers are 1 to 1½ inch across, with 3 egg shaped blue to rose-violet petals. In the center are 6 stamens the color of the petals with long plume-like hairs and bright yellow tips surrounding a single slender blue style.
Sepals are oval with pointed tips, densely covered in a mix of long glandular and non-glandular hairs, offset between the petals, and are about half the petal length. The 2 leaf-like bracts are often longer, wider and flatter than the leaves, with dense hairs along the edges and at the base that cups the flower cluster. Flower stalks are ½ to 1 inch long, become erect while flowers bloom but recurve back down while seed is set.
Leaves and stems:
Leaves are lance-linear to linear, 4 to 10 inches long, the larger ones up to ¾ inch wide, and stiff. Parallel veins are prominent, the blade folded up along the mid-vein, the leaf base wrapping around the stem. Stems and leaves are smooth or have scattered hairs, especially along leaf edges and the leaf base enclosing the stem. Multiple stems emerge from underground crown but are rarely branched.
Of Minnesota's 3 native Spiderworts, Long-bracted Spiderwort is dominant in the west and southern tall-grass prairie region and the most widespread in the state. Though it tolerates of a wide range of soils it prefers drier soils than Ohio Spiderwort (Tradescantia ohioensis) but, while its range overlaps with Prairie Spiderwort (Tradescantia occidentalis), it is not well adapted to extremely sandy sites. It can do well in the home landscape but cannot compete well with better adapted, taller species when planted in richer soils.The flower cluster is very similar to our other 2 spiderworts but T. bracteata can be distinguished by its shorter height, unbranched stems, dense hairs on the flower stalks and sepals, and broad bracts. T. occidentalis is the most slender and spidery of the 3, usually branching, and with narrower bracts and shorter hairs on the sepals. T. ohiensis has hairless sepals, relatively flat, floppy leaves, and can reach heights over 3 feet.
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More photos
Photos by K. Chayka taken at Battle Creek Regional Park, Ramsey County, at Grey Cloud Dunes SNA, Washington County, and at Gneiss Outcrops SNA, Yellow Medicine County.
Have you seen this plant in Minnesota, or have any other comments about it?
on: 2012-05-27 21:47:14
Approx foot-high plants growing on the edge of a shallow pond.
on: 2012-05-29 16:53:58
I've seen lots of these in gardens this May.
on: 2013-06-11 09:45:35
They are plentiful this year, right along the Root River Bike Trail, near Isonaurs, 3miles NE of Preston.
on: 2015-06-08 10:19:38
Hello! I have a large area of these growing in my yard. I believe the former home owner was working on native plant gardens, which were quite overtaken with weeds. But this one sure has flourished. I'm wondering if it does okay being transplanted? And any other tips for its care you have.
on: 2015-07-09 08:09:14
On the north branch of Bassett Creek that flows through the park.
on: 2016-07-13 10:27:25
Was surprised to see this flower in northeastern mn so close to Lake Superior. Just spotted one plant just west of where the bike trail crosses Temperance River.
on: 2018-05-21 13:03:07
I found this blooming by my garage, on very rough ground next to the alley. Thank you for this identification site. I am a recent transplant from WA and need to learn a new set of native plants.
on: 2019-06-01 14:34:11
We have an entity I was told is Virginia Spiderwort in our native plantings in predominantly sand. It is less than 1 ft tall and more orchid in color vs. the blue of ohiensis. Is there some synonymy going on? - I can't find it in many listings of wild flowers of MN.
on: 2019-06-01 23:06:34
Sue, Tradescantia virginiana is native further south and east, not to Minnesota.
on: 2020-05-25 11:58:32
The plant popped up next to a tree ring in the backyard. I've been in my home for over 15 years and this is the first time I've seen it. I'm wondering how it got there and whether I can safely re-home it to one of my garden beds. It's such a pretty plant I'd like to put it in a nice location.
on: 2024-06-11 12:33:58
Two of these volunteered this year in the part-shade of a burr oak, on sandy ground, directly under my roof's dripline. Everything about it matches long-bracted spiderwort--except that it's 18 inches tall here. My guess is that the extra rain off the roof gave it a boost. Before now, nothing grew in that spot due to the roof runoff pounding it during rainstorms. The pre-1975 dots on the far east edge of Hennepin County in the above distribution map--that's where it's volunteered. Some of the flower stalks are now re-curving back downward to set seed. Very tiny flies, evidently called hover flies, are gathered on the bright yellow stamen tips. Beautiful purple flower color.