Lamiastrum galeobdolon (Yellow Archangel)
Also known as: | Yellow Deadnettle, Yellow Henbit |
Genus: | Lamiastrum |
Family: | Lamiaceae (Mint) |
Life cycle: | perennial |
Origin: | Europe |
Status: |
Habitat: | part shade, shade, sun; moist to dry disturbed soil; woods, woodland edges, ravines, shaded fields |
Bloom season: | May - June |
Plant height: | 1 to 2 feet |
Wetland Indicator Status: | none |
MN county distribution (click map to enlarge): | ![]() |
National distribution (click map to enlarge): | ![]() |
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Detailed Information
Flowers are in whorls of 4 to 10 at the top of the plant and at leaf axils in the upper half of the stem. Individual flowers are ¾ to 1 inch long, light lemon yellow, irregular with 2 lips at the end of a tube up to 3/8 inch long. The broad upper lip is rounded like a hood, densely covered in short hairs and fringed with longer hairs all around the edge. The lower lip has 3 spreading lobes all about the same size, the center lobe streaked with darker orange-yellow. Inside the tube are 2 short and 2 long stamens, the long ones arching inside the upper lip. The calyx surrounding the base of the flower is about as long as the floral tube, hairy, and has 5 sharply pointed triangular lobes.
Leaves and stems:
Leaves are opposite, 1 to 3½ inches long, up to 2½ inches wide, hairy, coarsely toothed with rounded or pointed teeth, generally egg-shaped, straight across to heart-shaped at the base, blunt to pointed at the tip, on a hairy stalk up to about 1 inch long. The upper surface is either all green or variegated with silvery white spots; the lower surface is green or purple. Stems are erect, square, hairy especially along the angles and on the lower stem, green to purplish. Horizontal stems (stolons) are numerous, leafy and root at the nodes, forming dense mats; the stolons can grow 3 feet a year.
The calyx persists and holds 4 nutlets, each containing a single seed.
Yellow Archangel, also known as Lamium galeobdolon, is a garden escapee that is not widespread in Minnesota (yet), but has been described as invasive in other areas of the US. It is likely already more widespread than the distribution map indicates—every year we get one or two ID requests for this species, typically found in wooded areas in or near parks or residential areas but where it doesn't appear to be intentionally planted. We first encountered it in a degraded woods somewhere in the Twin Cities, then again at the edge of a woodline about a mile from where it was first collected in Duluth back in 2008.
There are no Lamium species native to North America, but there are several introduced species (not counting the numerous cultivars) available in the nursery trade, all of which may escape cultivation. Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) and Spotted Deadnettle (Lamium maculatum) have already arrived here; both also have variegated leaves but have pinkish-purple flowers rather than yellow. Henbit leaves are smaller (1 inch long or less) and more rounded, and Spotted Deadnettle leaves have a silvery stripe just along the midrib where Yellow Archangel leaves are up to 3½ inches long and variably spotted across the whole surface.
Native Plant Nurseries, Restoration and Landscaping Services ↓
More photos
Yellow Archangel plant
Yellow Archangel plants
a dense mat of Yellow Archangel
Yellow Archangel with Creeping Charlie and Motherwort
early growth in mid-spring
Photos by Peter M. Dziuk taken in St. Louis County and in the Twin Cities metro area. Fruit photo by Paul Busselen, Biology Department, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Campus Kortrijk, Belgium.
Have you seen this plant in Minnesota, or have any other comments about it?
on: 2018-05-21 14:20:23
Found small but apparently very happy colony of Lamiastrum galeobdolon, in flower 5/21. Not apparently planted.
on: 2018-05-22 19:32:31
Identified a large patch of yellow archangel in my backyard. It's been there at least 2 years. Not sure if previous owners planted it or not.
on: 2018-05-26 18:07:41
At Hormel nature center
on: 2018-10-08 22:57:51
Bought some for a biology project to see how they would handle harsh flooding conditions.
on: 2019-05-22 08:41:35
There is a hillside lawn of yellow archangel on Queen Ave. south of the Trolley Station at the bandshell. They appear to be planted (?)...Minneapolis.
on: 2019-06-02 00:41:57
A large patch in a shady part of our yard
on: 2019-06-06 20:00:57
Multiple groups of yellow archangel growing in shaded area of our property/edge of woods, and neighbors yard as well. Not planted by either of us and have owned property 25+ years.
on: 2019-06-08 15:16:52
Very large patches of yellow archangel in the woods surrounding our lawn. We'd have lived here for a couple of years and it seems very well established and growing bigger every year.
on: 2020-05-19 07:03:20
I believe there is a patch in the woods across Bassett's Creek from the Fruen Mill in Minneapolis.
on: 2020-05-21 20:38:32
Found it in my yard. Working on a restoration.
on: 2020-05-22 18:41:00
Several dense populations initially planted 20+ years ago. Working on eradication.
on: 2020-05-23 17:48:08
We have a healthy patch in an "undeveloped" area of the yard. It was there when we moved in 3 years ago. It spreads easily, but I weed it back to form discrete areas. It's nice ground cover and the flowers are pretty, but worry that it is invasive.
on: 2020-05-28 18:16:52
Recently moved to a property, where the ground cover in the entire backyard looks like intentional planting.
on: 2020-06-01 23:56:00
Small patch found in mulched bed in backyard. May have been planted by previous owner? Will remove and try to eradicate.
on: 2020-06-06 17:56:57
I just identified this in my backyard along with Viginia creeper. I have been pulling it up the last 3 years not knowing what it is. I may let it go a bit but keep an eye on it. The leaves are attractive. It is growing close to wooded area where not much elses grows well. House is 1910 so it could have been planted intentionally at some point.
on: 2020-06-11 16:30:02
Found a couple in a disturbed area of my yard. I let it be because it is kind of attractive but on second review realize I had better pull them.
on: 2020-07-22 17:11:37
Large spot behind Anoka High School along the Anoka Rum River Trail. It's kind of a mess behind the school along that trail, sad.
on: 2021-05-11 08:54:46
For the last few years in our wooded backyard, we had the foliage but no flowers. Now, in May 2021, we have the flowers as well. Really beautiful - fits right in - now part of the family.
on: 2021-07-04 16:51:06
I wish Minnesota Wildflowers would designate this plant as invasive and urge people to eradicate! It does so much damage in woodlands, including a huge patch in William Berry Woods in southwest Minneapolis, where it devastates the native plant community.
on: 2021-10-16 19:26:41
This stuff is awful; it smells bad and is super invasive. We moved into our home 5 years ago, and in that time while I started on buckthorn, and before I knew what this was, a small patch took over almost an acre of our woods. It's a lot more work to get rid of than buckthorn, too. Seriously, please, destroy it.
on: 2022-05-21 22:25:54
So glad to finally identify this! It's been spreading in a small woods on our property. Our leaves don't look like those in photo #8, but are rounded as in the picture of the single leaf. It's a pretty ground cover, not very tall probably because it get very little sun, but it looks unnatural, like it should be an indoor house plant. Now I know that here in Minnesota, it doesn't belong.
on: 2022-05-22 06:03:15
Janet, you should try to eradicate it from your woods before it crowds everything else out.
on: 2022-07-01 03:01:07
Our yard backs up to a ravine and a city park. The previous owner must have planted the arch angel plant. I feel it is very invasive, grows well in our shady yard. I have noticed it moving into the woodlands, spreads quickly. I too worry about it taking over the natural plants.
on: 2022-08-28 15:32:04
We planted this around our house on a 2-1/2 acre lot on recommendation from a professional landscape designer. MISTAKE. It is a hardy groundcover for partly shady areas that covers everything in a dense mat. But it started growing into our buckthorn-free woods, and we also noticed another population starting at the far end of our acreage, presumably from seed. We also learned that our neighbors had it and it had taken over his whole lot. Since then, we have been ripping it out. And, yes, as the above commentor says, it is more difficult to get rid of than buckthorn because you have to dig out the stolons. Please DO NOT PLANT, and ERADICATE what you have.
on: 2022-10-09 20:59:11
Saw a fairly large dense patch not far from the parking area of the Avon Hill (South Unit) SNA today. Looks like the DNR needs to get on this before it takes over the floor of this old growth oak, maple, basswood, ironwood forest.
on: 2023-03-25 03:48:41
This has been present underneath a fence covered in Virginia Creeper since I bought my house several years ago. Luckily, it seems the creeper competes very well with this plant (what doesn't it compete well with?) so it hasn't spread too much, but I will be working to get rid of it this summer.
on: 2023-05-17 19:15:12
I have had this in my shade garden at my townhouse for at least 20 years if not longer. It has since spread into the small wooded area between my yard and the next townhouse building over. Mostly spread by seed rather than runners.
on: 2023-05-18 06:36:43
Donna, regardless of how it spread, you should take responsibility for it escaping your yard and work on containing it.
on: 2023-05-18 12:26:51
Just a note: If you find this plant in natural areas please report it on eddmaps! This plant is being evaluated as possibly being listed as invasive by the MDA and DNR. In order to do that we need to know how widespread it is. If you want to know more on up and coming invasives, I highly recommend the Forest Pest First Detector training through the U of M Extension. Found this guy in dense patches along the edges of the woods at Hormel Nature Center.
on: 2023-05-19 20:36:21
Found this in my yard. We have a semi wooded lot. I'm assuming either the previous owners or our neighbors planted it. It's taken over a garden bed and another large area. This year I decided to go to war with it because it spreads everywhere. Digging it out is almost impossible because of all the stems. So I had to resort to chemicals (triclopyr). Seems to be working well, but will have to be diligent for some years I think.
on: 2023-11-12 11:26:57
This has spread from people's wooded backyards into the Riley Creek Conservation Area in huge swaths. It is very aggressive and has even managed to jump an 8 feet wide path.
on: 2024-03-17 04:33:09
I'm curious why this species is listed as "weedy" and not "invasive" in the status description? From what I've read it seems like it very much is an invasive species... but maybe that's just in the western US? Sorry if I missed an explainer for how this is determined, but I'm currently trying to find the best way to eradicate it from my property and was curious.
on: 2024-05-02 14:50:40
On the hillsides of a ravine between 13th W and 14th st.
on: 2024-05-07 10:12:25
I planted a small patch of this under a red oak in my front yard over 10 years ago. I cut (and planted) stems from a place in the common area woods where it was established. It stays where I planted it and is an exceptional ground cover that doesn't need care. One thing I've noticed is that if left uncovered by leaves in the winter, it will die back and NOT return. So, for all you people who are concerned that it is invasive, perhaps you could try that. AND no need to shame me with your comments as I am quite delighted to have it in my garden.
PS: If you want to talk about about creeping bell flower!! When shown to neighbors, none believe it is an issue until it takes over everything. The only way to remove it is ROUNDUP.
on: 2024-05-07 10:22:58
Babs, I've heard time and again stories about an exotic species being seemingly well-behaved for some years, then suddenly growth explodes. Please don't encourage others to spread potentially invasive species.
on: 2024-05-08 09:09:20
This plant has completely overrun a woodland garden in my yard in spite of mutiple pullings. Once establish it became very invasive and even seems to outcompete my creeping charlie. Though it is pretty in the spring, I recommed not letting it establish itself in your gardens.
on: 2024-07-05 11:43:11
Found a complete monoculture 1/2 acre in size and spreading rapidly. Engulfing jack-in-the-pulpit, wild geranium, maiden hair fern, honewort, etc... This should be on the State's eradicate list.
on: 2024-07-31 08:53:28
There is at least one patch at Carpenter Nature Center.
on: 2024-11-14 18:59:38
We took down five Eastern Red Cedars that were growing under our old Oak trees on the advice of an Arborist. I did not notice what was growing under them till this year and it was a large area of Creeping Charlie and this Yellow Archangel. It was taking over and killing my native Honeysuckle. I may have planted it myself years ago when a friend gave me some plants from her garden. Now I want to replant the area, but it seems overwhelming to get rid of it. I started digging it out, but the area that is mixed with the honeysuckle will be a challenge. I am pretty sure that I will need to carefully use some kind of weed killer. What kind would be best and what time of year to protect the other plants?
on: 2024-11-15 05:47:44
Bonnie, Minnesota Wildflowers does not provide advice or assistance on weed control. Perhaps you'll get your answer at Ask a Master Gardener.