Other Color Minnesota Wildflowers
These wildflowers may be various shades of brown, or of indeterminate colors. Color is subjective, however, so if you don't see what you're looking for here you might try another color or the advanced plant search. If you still can't find it post it on our Facebook page.
Number of results: 59
- Acorus americanusSweet-flag
- Bassia scopariaSummer Cypress
- Salsola collinaSlender Russian Thistle
- Salsola tragusRussian Thistle
- Symplocarpus foetidusSkunk Cabbage
- Asarum canadenseCanadian Wild Ginger
- Gnaphalium uliginosumLow Cudweed
- Brasenia schreberiWater-shield
- Cannabis sativaHemp
- Lechea strictaPrairie Pinweed
- Hypopitys monotropaPinesap
- Acalypha rhomboideaThree-seeded Mercury
- Apios americanaGroundnut
- Pediomelum esculentumPrairie Turnip
- Trifolium aureumGolden Clover
- Trifolium campestreLow Hop Clover
- Juncus alpinoarticulatusNorthern Green Rush
- Juncus articulatusJointed Rush
- Juncus balticusBaltic Rush
- Juncus bufoniusToad Rush
- Juncus compressusRound-fruited Rush
- Juncus dudleyiDudley's Rush
- Juncus effususSoft Rush
- Juncus interiorInland Rush
- Juncus longistylisLong-styled Rush
- Juncus marginatusGrassleaf Rush
- Juncus pelocarpusBrown-fruit Rush
- Juncus tenuisPath Rush
- Juncus vaseyiVasey's Rush
- Luzula acuminataHairy Woodrush
- Luzula multifloraCommon Woodrush
- Luzula parvifloraSmall-flowered Woodrush
- Ludwigia polycarpaFalse Loosestrife
- Corallorhiza maculata var. maculataSpotted Coralroot
- Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalisWestern Spotted Coralroot
- Corallorhiza odontorhizaAutumn Coralroot
- Corallorhiza striataStriped Coralroot
- Liparis liliifoliaLily-leaved Twayblade
- Listera cordataHeart-leaved Twayblade
- Orobanche ludovicianaLouisiana Broomrape
- Digitalis lanataGrecian Foxglove
- Plantago eriopodaAlkali Plantain
- Plantago lanceolataEnglish Plantain
- Plantago majorCommon Plantain
- Plantago rugeliiRugel's Plantain
- Plantago virginicaDwarf Plantain
- Thalictrum dioicumEarly Meadow Rue
- Thalictrum venulosumVeiny Meadow Rue
- Chrysosplenium americanumAmerican Golden Saxifrage
- Heuchera richardsoniiPrairie Alumroot
- Mitella nudaNaked Miterwort
- Scheuchzeria palustrisRannoch-rush
- Scrophularia lanceolataLance-leaf Figwort
- Scrophularia marilandicaMaryland Figwort
- Typha angustifoliaNarrow-leaved Cattail
- Typha latifoliaBroad-leaf Cat-tail
- Typha X glaucaHybrid Cattail
- Urtica dioicaStinging Nettle
- Arceuthobium pusillumEastern Dwarf Mistletoe