Pink Minnesota Wildflowers
These wildflowers are in the color range of pale pink to magenta. Color is subjective, however, so if you don't see what you're looking for here you might try another color or the advanced plant search. If you still can't find it post it on our Facebook page.
Claytonia carolinianaCarolina Spring Beauty
Claytonia virginicaVirginia Spring Beauty
Montia chamissoiWater Minerslettuce
Phemeranthus parviflorusSmall-flowered Fameflower
Phemeranthus rugospermusRough-seeded Fameflower
Dodecatheon amethystinumJeweled Shooting Star
Dodecatheon meadiaPrairie Shooting Star
Primula mistassinicaMistassini Primrose
Anemone acutilobaSharp-lobed Hepatica
Anemone americanaRound-lobed Hepatica
Anemone carolinianaCarolina anemone
Anemone patensAmerican Pasqueflower
Anemone quinquefoliaWood Anemone
Caltha natansFloating Marsh Marigold
Clematis occidentalisPurple Clematis
Myosurus minimusMousetail
Thalictrum thalictroidesRue Anemone
Rosa acicularisPrickly Wild Rose
Rosa arkansanaPrairie Rose
Rosa blandaSmooth Wild Rose
Rosa woodsiiWood's Wild Rose
Rubus arcticusArctic Raspberry
Rubus pubescensDwarf Raspberry
Spiraea tomentosaSteeplebush
Houstonia longifoliaLong-leaf Bluets
Mitchella repensPartridgeberry
Saxifraga paniculataEncrusted Saxifrage
Urtica dioicaStinging Nettle
Valeriana officinalisGarden Heliotrope
Phyla lanceolataLance-leaf Fog Fruit
Verbena bracteataBig-bract Verbena
Verbena hastataBlue Vervain
Verbena simplexNarrow-leaved Vervain