Purple Minnesota Wildflowers
These wildflowers are in the color range of pale lavender to deep blue-violet or reddish purple. Color is subjective, however, so if you don't see what you're looking for here you might try another color or the advanced plant search. If you still can't find it post it on our Facebook page.
- Leonurus sibiricusSiberian Motherwort
- Mentha arvensisWild Mint
- Mentha spicataSpearmint
- Monarda fistulosaWild Bergamot
- Physostegia virginianaObedient Plant
- Prunella vulgarisSelf-heal
- Salvia reflexaLance-leaved Sage
- Scutellaria galericulataMarsh Skullcap
- Scutellaria laterifloraMad-dog Skullcap
- Scutellaria leonardiiLeonard's Skullcap
- Scutellaria ovataHeart-leaved Skullcap
- Stachys hispidaHairy Hedge Nettle
- Stachys palustrisMarsh Hedge Nettle
- Teucrium canadenseGermander
- Trichostema brachiatumFalse Pennyroyal
- Pinguicula vulgarisButterwort
- Utricularia purpureaPurple-flowered Bladderwort
- Utricularia resupinataLavender Bladderwort
- Streptopus lanceolatusRose Twisted-stalk
- Linum perennePerennial Flax
- Linum usitatissimumCommon Flax
- Lindernia dubiaFalse Pimpernel
- Lobelia inflataIndian Tobacco
- Lobelia kalmiiKalm's Lobelia
- Lobelia siphiliticaBlue Lobelia
- Ammannia robustaGrand Redstem
- Decodon verticillatusSwamp Loosestrife
- Lythrum alatumWinged Loosestrife
- Lythrum salicariaPurple Loosestrife
- Callirhoe triangulataClustered Poppy-mallow
- Chamaenerion angustifoliumFireweed
- Epilobium ciliatumFringed Willowherb
- Aplectrum hyemalePutty-root
- Calypso bulbosa var. americanaFairy Slipper
- Coeloglossum virideLong-bract Frog Orchid
- Corallorhiza odontorhizaAutumn Coralroot
- Corallorhiza striataStriped Coralroot
- Cypripedium arietinumRam's-head Lady's-slipper
- Epipactis helleborineHelleborine
- Galearis spectabilisShowy Orchis