Minnesota Plant List
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Number of results: 1837
Scientific Name | Common Name(s) |
Abies balsamea | Balsam Fir |
Abutilon theophrasti | Velvet Leaf, Indian Mallow, Pie-marker |
Acalypha rhomboidea | Three-seeded Mercury, Rhombic Copperleaf |
Acer ginnala | Amur Maple, Ginnala Maple |
Acer negundo | Boxelder, Ash-leaf Maple, Manitoba Maple |
Acer nigrum | Black Maple |
Acer platanoides | Norway Maple |
Acer rubrum | Red Maple |
Acer saccharinum | Silver Maple |
Acer saccharum | Sugar Maple |
Acer spicatum | Mountain Maple |
Acer X freemanii | Freeman Maple |
Achillea alpina | Siberian Yarrow, Chinese Yarrow, Alpine Yarrow |
Achillea millefolium | Common Yarrow |
Achillea ptarmica | Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, Pearly Yarrow |
Achnatherum hymenoides | Indian Rice Grass, Indian Mountain Ricegrass |
Acorus americanus | Sweet-flag |
Actaea pachypoda | White Baneberry, Doll's-eyes |
Actaea rubra | Red Baneberry |
Adiantum pedatum | Maidenhair Fern, Northern Maidenhair |
Adlumia fungosa | Allegheny Vine, Climbing Fumitory, Mountain Fringe |
Adoxa moschatellina | Moschatel, Musk-root |
Aegopodium podagraria | Goutweed, Bishop's Goutweed, Snow-on-the-mountain |
Aesculus glabra | Ohio Buckeye |
Aesculus hippocastanum | Horse Chestnut |
Aethusa cynapium | Fool's Parsley |
Agalinis aspera | Rough False Foxglove, Rough Purple False Foxglove, Rough Gerardia |
Agalinis auriculata | Earleaf False Foxglove, Eared False Foxglove |
Agalinis gattingeri | Round-stemmed False Foxglove, Gattinger's Gerardia |
Agalinis paupercula | Small-flower False Foxglove, Small-flowered Gerardia, Small-flowered Agalinis, Smooth False Foxglove |
Agalinis purpurea | Purple False Foxglove, Purple Gerardia, Purple Agalinis |
Agalinis tenuifolia | Slender-leaved False Foxglove, Slender Gerardia, Slender Agalinis, Common False Foxglove |
Agastache foeniculum | Blue Giant Hyssop, Lavender Hyssop, Anise Hyssop |
Agastache nepetoides | Yellow Giant Hyssop, Catnip Giant Hyssop |
Agastache scrophulariifolia | Purple Giant Hyssop |
Ageratina altissima | White Snakeroot |
Agoseris glauca | False Dandelion, Pale Agoseris, Pale Goat Chicory, Prairie Dandelion |
Agrimonia gryposepala | Tall Hairy Agrimony, Tall Agrimony, Common Agrimony, Tall Hairy Groovebur |
Agrimonia pubescens | Downy Agrimony, Soft Agrimony, Soft Groovebur |
Agrimonia striata | Roadside Agrimony, Woodland Agrimony, Woodland Grooveburr |
Agropyron cristatum | Crested Wheatgrass |
Agrostis gigantea | Redtop, Black Bent Grass |
Agrostis perennans | Autumn Bentgrass, Upland Bentgrass |
Agrostis scabra | Rough Bentgrass, Ticklegrass |
Agrostis stolonifera | Creeping Bentgrass, Spreading Bentgrass, Redtop |
Alisma gramineum | Narrow-leaved Water Plantain |
Alisma triviale | Northern Water Plantain, Large-flowered Water Plantain |
Alliaria petiolata | Garlic Mustard |
Allium burdickii | Narrow-leaf Wild Leek, Burdick's Leek, Narrow-leaf Ramps |
Allium canadense | Wild Garlic, Meadow Garlic |
Allium cernuum | Nodding Wild Onion |
Allium schoenoprasum | Wild Chives |
Allium stellatum | Prairie Onion, Autumn Onion, Pink Wild Onion, Prairie Wild Onion |
Allium textile | White Wild Onion, Textile Onion |
Allium tricoccum | Wild Leek, Ramps, Three-seeded Leek |
Allium tuberosum | Chinese Chives, Garlic Chives |
Alnus incana | Speckled Alder, Grey Alder |
Alnus viridis | Green Alder, Mountain Alder |
Alopecurus aequalis | Shortawn Foxtail, Orange Foxtail, Short-awn Meadow-Foxtail |
Alopecurus arundinaceus | Creeping Foxtail, Creeping Meadow-Foxtail |
Alopecurus carolinianus | Carolina Foxtail, Tufted Meadow-Foxtail |
Alopecurus pratensis | Meadow Foxtail, Field Meadow-Foxtail |
Alyssum alyssoides | Pale Madwort, Yellow Alyssum, Small Alison, Small Alyssum |
Alyssum desertorum | Desert Madwort, Desert Alyssum |
Amaranthus albus | Tumbleweed Amaranth, Tumble Pigweed, White Amaranth |
Amaranthus blitoides | Prostrate Pigweed, Mat Amaranth, Spreading Amaranth |
Amaranthus retroflexus | Redroot Pigweed, Redroot Amaranth, Rough Pigweed, Green Pigweed |
Amaranthus tuberculatus | Rough-fruited Waterhemp, Rough-fruited Amaranth, Tall Water-hemp, Common Waterhemp, Tubercled Amaranth |
Ambrosia artemisiifolia | Common Ragweed, Annual Ragweed |
Ambrosia psilostachya | Western Ragweed, Cuman Ragweed |
Ambrosia trifida | Giant Ragweed, Great Ragweed, Horseweed |
Amelanchier arborea | Downy Serviceberry, Downy Shadbush, Common Serviceberry |
Amelanchier bartramiana | Mountain Serviceberry, Mountain Juneberry, Bartram's Shadbush, Oblongfruit Serviceberry, Northern Juneberry |
Amelanchier interior | Inland Serviceberry, Inland Shadbush, Inland Juneberry, Pacific Serviceberry |
Amelanchier laevis | Smooth Serviceberry, Smooth Shadbush, Allegheny Serviceberry, Smooth Juneberry |
Amerorchis rotundifolia | Small Round-leaved Orchid, Round-leaved Orchis |
Ammannia robusta | Grand Redstem, Grand Ammannia, Scarlet Loosestrife, Sessile Toothcup |
Ammophila breviligulata | American Beach Grass |
Amorpha canescens | Lead Plant, Shoestrings |
Amorpha fruticosa | False Indigo, Desert False Indigo, Bastard Indigo |
Amorpha nana | Fragrant False Indigo, Dwarf False Indigo, Dwarf Lead Plant, Smooth Lead Plant, Fragrant Indigo-bush |
Amphicarpaea bracteata | American Hog Peanut |
Anaphalis margaritacea | Pearly Everlasting, Large-flowered Everlasting |
Andromeda polifolia | Bog Rosemary |
Andropogon gerardii | Big Bluestem, Turkey-foot |
Androsace occidentalis | Western Rock Jasmine, Western androsace |
Androsace septentrionalis | Northern Androsace, Northern Fairy Candelabra, Pygmy-flower Rock Jasmine |
Anemone acutiloba | Sharp-lobed Hepatica, Liverwort, Liverleaf |
Anemone americana | Round-lobed Hepatica, Liverleaf, Liverwort |
Anemone canadensis | Canada Anemone |
Anemone caroliniana | Carolina anemone, Carolina Thimbleweed |
Anemone cylindrica | Thimbleweed, Long-fruited Thimbleweed, Long-headed Anemone, Candle Anemone, Cottenweed |
Anemone patens | American Pasqueflower, Eastern Pasque Flower, Prairie Crocus, Cutleaf Anemone |
Anemone quinquefolia | Wood Anemone, Nightcaps |
Anemone virginiana | Tall Thimbleweed, Virginia Anemone |
Angelica atropurpurea | Angelica, Great Angelica, Purple-stemmed Angelica |
Antennaria howellii | Howell's Pussytoes, Small Pussytoes |
Antennaria microphylla | Tiny-leaved Pussytoes, Little-leaf Pussytoes, Rosy Pussytoes |
Antennaria neglecta | Field Pussytoes |
Antennaria parlinii | Parlin's Pussytoes, Smooth Pussytoes |
Antennaria parvifolia | Small-leaved Pussytoes, Nuttall's Pussytoes |
Antennaria plantaginifolia | Plantain-leaved Pussytoes, Woman's Tobacco, Plain-leaf Pussytoes |
Anthemis cotula | Dog Fennel, Stinking Chamomile, Mayweed |
Anthoxanthum hirtum | Sweetgrass, Northern Sweet Grass, Vanilla Grass |
Anthoxanthum odoratum | Sweet Vernal Grass |
Anthriscus sylvestris | Wild Chervil, Cow Parsley |
Apios americana | Groundnut, American Potato-bean, Indian Potato |
Aplectrum hyemale | Putty-root, Adam and Eve |
Apocynum androsaemifolium | Spreading Dogbane |
Apocynum cannabinum | Indian Hemp, Prairie Dogbane, Hemp Dogbane |
Aquilegia canadensis | Red Columbine, Wild Columbine |
Arabidopsis lyrata | Lyre-leaved Rock Cress, Lyrate Rockcress, Sand Cress, Harp-leaf Rockcress |
Arabidopsis thaliana | Mouse-ear Cress, Thale Cress |
Arabis pycnocarpa | Hairy Rock Cress, Cream-flower Rock-cress |
Aralia hispida | Bristly Sarsaparilla |
Aralia nudicaulis | Wild Sarsaparilla |
Aralia racemosa | Spikenard, American Spikenard |
Arceuthobium pusillum | Eastern Dwarf Mistletoe |
Arctium lappa | Great Burdock |
Arctium minus | Common Burdock, Lesser Burdock |
Arctium tomentosum | Woolly Burdock |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | Bearberry, Kinnikinnick |
Arenaria serpyllifolia | Thyme-leaved Sandwort |
Arethusa bulbosa | Dragon's Mouth, Swamp Pink |
Arisaema dracontium | Green Dragon |
Arisaema triphyllum | Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Indian Turnip |
Aristida basiramea | Forked Three-awn, Fork-tipped Three-awn, Base-branched Three-awn |
Aristida dichotoma | Churchmouse Three-awn, Poverty Grass, Poverty Three-awn, Shinner's Three-awn |
Aristida longespica | Slimspike Three-awn, Red Three-awn |
Aristida purpurea | Purple Three-awn, Red Three-awn |
Aristida tuberculosa | Seaside Three-awn |
Armoracia rusticana | Horseradish |
Arnica lonchophylla | Long-leaf Arnica, Northern Arnica |
Arnoglossum plantagineum | Tuberous Indian Plantain, Prairie Indian Plantain, Groovestem Indian Plantain |
Arnoglossum reniforme | Great Indian Plantain |
Aronia melanocarpa | Black Chokeberry |
Artemisia absinthium | Absinthium, Absinthe Wormwood |
Artemisia biennis | Biennial Wormwood |
Artemisia campestris | Field Sagewort, Tall Wormwood |
Artemisia dracunculus | Tarragon |
Artemisia frigida | Prairie Sagewort, Sage Wormwood, Fringed Sagewort |
Artemisia ludoviciana | White Sage, White Sagebrush, Prairie Sage, Western Mugwort |
Artemisia serrata | Saw-tooth Wormwood, Leafy Mugwort, Toothed Sagewort, Saw-leaf Mugwort |
Artemisia vulgaris | Common Mugwort, Common Wormwood |
Asarum canadense | Canadian Wild Ginger |
Asclepias amplexicaulis | Clasping Milkweed, Blunt-leaved Milkweed, Sand Milkweed |
Asclepias exaltata | Poke Milkweed, Tall Milkweed |
Asclepias hirtella | Prairie Milkweed, Tall Green Milkweed |
Asclepias incarnata | Swamp Milkweed, Swamp Silkweed |
Asclepias lanuginosa | Woolly Milkweed, Side-cluster Milkweed |
Asclepias ovalifolia | Oval-leaf Milkweed, Dwarf Milkweed |
Asclepias purpurascens | Purple Milkweed |
Asclepias speciosa | Showy Milkweed |
Asclepias stenophylla | Narrow-leaved Milkweed, Slimleaf Milkweed |
Asclepias sullivantii | Sullivant's Milkweed, Smooth Milkweed, Prairie Milkweed |
Asclepias syriaca | Common Milkweed, Silkweed, Milkplant |
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterfly-weed, Butterfly Milkweed |
Asclepias verticillata | Whorled Milkweed |
Asclepias viridiflora | Green Milkweed, Green Comet Milkweed |
Asparagus officinalis | Garden Asparagus, Common Asparagus |
Asplenium platyneuron | Ebony Spleenwort |
Asplenium rhizophyllum | Walking Fern |
Asplenium trichomanes | Maidenhair Spleenwort |
Astragalus adsurgens | Prairie Milkvetch, Standing Milk-vetch, Lavender Milk-vetch |
Astragalus agrestis | Field Milkvetch, Purple Milk-vetch |
Astragalus alpinus | Alpine Milkvetch |
Astragalus canadensis | Canada Milkvetch, Canadian Milk-vetch |
Astragalus cicer | Chickpea Milk-vetch, Cicer Milkvetch |
Astragalus crassicarpus | Ground Plum, Prairie Plum, Groundplum Milkvetch, Buffalo Bean |
Astragalus flexuosus | Slender Milkvetch, Flexile Milkvetch |
Astragalus lotiflorus | Lotus Milkvetch, Low Milk-vetch |
Astragalus missouriensis | Missouri Milkvetch |
Astragalus neglectus | Cooper's Milkvetch |
Astragalus racemosus | Cream Milkvetch, Racemose Milkvetch, Alkali Milkvetch, Creamy Poison-vetch, Alkali Poison-vetch |
Athyrium Filix-femina | Lady Fern |
Aureolaria pedicularia | Fern-leaf False Foxglove |
Avena sativa | Cultivated Oats, Common Oats |
Avenula hookeri | Spike-oat, Hooker's Oat Grass |
Avenula pubescens | Downy Oat Grass, Downy Alpine Oat-grass |
Azolla microphylla | Mexican Mosquito Fern, Mexican Water-fern, Floating Fern |
Bacopa rotundifolia | Water-hyssop, Disk Water-hyssop, Round-leaf Water-hyssop |
Baptisia bracteata | Plains Wild Indigo, Cream Wild Indigo, Cream False Indigo, Long-bract Wild Indigo |
Baptisia lactea | White Wild Indigo, White False Indigo, Large-leaf Wild Indigo |
Barbarea orthoceras | American Yellow Rocket, American Winter Cress, Northern Winter-cress |
Barbarea vulgaris | Garden Yellow Rocket, Winter Cress, Yellow-rocket |
Bartonia virginica | Yellow Bartonia, Virginia Bartonia, Yellow Screw-stem |
Bassia scoparia | Summer Cypress, Mexican Fireweed, Common Kochia, Burning Bush |
Beckmannia syzigachne | American Slough Grass |
Berberis thunbergii | Japanese Barberry |
Berteroa incana | Hoary Alyssum, Hoary False Madwort |
Berula erecta | Cut-leaf Water Parsnip, Stream Parsnip |
Besseya bullii | Kittentails, Bull's Coraldrops |
Betula alleghaniensis | Yellow Birch |
Betula cordifolia | Heart-leaved Birch, Mountain White Birch |
Betula nigra | River Birch |
Betula papyrifera | Paper Birch, White Birch |
Betula pumila | Bog Birch, Dwarf Birch |
Bidens beckii | Water Marigold, Beck's Water Marigold, Beck's Marsh Marigold |
Bidens cernua | Nodding Bur-Marigold, Nodding Beggarticks |
Bidens connata | Purple-stem Beggarticks, Swamp Beggarticks |
Bidens discoidea | Discoid Beggarticks, Swamp Beggarticks |
Bidens frondosa | Devil's Beggarticks, Leafy Beggarticks, Devil's Pitchfork |
Bidens trichosperma | Crowned Beggarticks, Northern Tickseed-sunflower, Tall Tickseed-sunflower, Tall Swamp Marigold |
Bidens tripartita | Three-lobed Beggarticks, Straw-stem Beggarticks, Leafy-bracted Beggarticks |
Bidens vulgata | Big Devil's Beggarticks, Tall Beggarticks, Common Beggarticks |
Bistorta vivipara | Alpine Bistort |
Blephilia hirsuta | Hairy Woodmint, Hairy Pagoda Plant |
Boechera canadensis | Sickle-pod, Canadian Rockcress |
Boechera collinsii | Collins' Rock Cress |
Boechera dentata | Toothed Rock Cress, Short's Rock Cress, Stellate Rock Cress |
Boechera grahamii | Spreading-pod Rock Cress, Purple Rockcress |
Boechera laevigata | Smooth Rock Cress |
Boechera stricta | Drummond's Rock Cress, Canada Rockcress |
Boehmeria cylindrica | Small-spike False Nettle |
Bolboschoenus fluviatilis | River Bulrush, River Bulsedge |
Bolboschoenus maritimus | Prairie Bulrush, Cosmopolitan Bulrush, Sea Clubrush, Saltmarsh Bulrush |
Boltonia asteroides | False Aster, White Doll's Eyes, White Doll's Daisy |
Botrychium angustisegmentum | Narrow Triangle Moonwort, Lance-leaved Moonwort |
Botrychium matricariifolium | Matricary Grapefern, Daisy-leaved Moonwort |
Botrychium michiganense | Michigan Moonwort |
Botrypus virginianus | Rattlesnake Fern |
Bouteloua curtipendula | Side-oats Grama |
Bouteloua gracilis | Blue Grama |
Bouteloua hirsuta | Hairy Grama |
Brachyelytrum aristosum | Northern Shorthusk |
Brachyelytrum erectum | Bearded Shorthusk, Long-awned Wood Grass, Southern Shorthusk |
Brasenia schreberi | Water-shield |
Brassica nigra | Black Mustard |
Brassica rapa | Field Mustard, Turnip Rape, Wild Mustard, Bird's-rape |
Brickellia eupatorioides | False Boneset |
Bromus ciliatus | Fringed Brome |
Bromus inermis | Smooth Brome |
Bromus japonicus | Japanese Brome |
Bromus kalmii | Kalm's Brome, Prairie Brome, Arctic Brome |
Bromus latiglumis | Earlyleaf Brome, Ear-leaved Brome, Broad-glumed Brome, Flanged Brome |
Bromus pubescens | Hairy Woodland Brome, Canada Brome, Hairy Wood Chess, Hairy Brome |
Bromus tectorum | Cheatgrass, Downy Brome, Downy Chess |
Buchloe dactyloides | Buffalo Grass |
Bulbostylis capillaris | Dense-tuft Hairsedge, Tufted Hairsedge |
Butomus umbellatus | Flowering Rush |
Calamagrostis canadensis | Canada Bluejoint, Bluejoint Reedgrass |
Calamagrostis montanensis | Plains Reedgrass |
Calamagrostis purpurascens | Purple Reedgrass |
Calamagrostis stricta | Slimstem Reedgrass, Northern Reedgrass, Neglected Reedgrass |
Calamovilfa longifolia | Sand Reed Grass, Prairie Sandreed |
Calla palustris | Wild Calla, Water Arum |
Callirhoe triangulata | Clustered Poppy-mallow |
Callitriche palustris | Vernal Water-starwort, Spring Water-starwort, Narrow-fruited Water-starwort, Common Water-starwort |
Calopogon oklahomensis | Oklahoma Grass-pink |
Calopogon tuberosus | Tuberous Grass-pink |
Caltha natans | Floating Marsh Marigold |
Caltha palustris | Marsh Marigold, Cowslips |
Calypso bulbosa var. americana | Fairy Slipper, Calypso Orchid |
Calystegia sepium | Hedge Bindweed, Hedge False Bindweed |
Calystegia spithamaea | Low False Bindweed, Upright Bindweed, Erect Bindweed |
Camelina microcarpa | Small-seeded False Flax, Littlepod False Flax |
Camelina sativa | Large-seeded False Flax, Gold-of-Pleasure |
Campanula aparinoides | Marsh Bellflower, Bedstraw Bellflower |
Campanula cervicaria | Bristly Bellflower, Bristly Bluebells |
Campanula rapunculoides | Creeping Bellflower, Rampion Bellflower, European Bellflower |
Campanula rotundifolia | Harebell, Bluebell Bellflower, Bluebells of Scotland |
Campanulastrum americanum | American Bellflower, Tall Bellflower |
Canadanthus modestus | Modest Aster, Great Northern Aster, Giant Mountain Aster, Northwestern Sticky Aster |
Cannabis sativa | Hemp, Ditchweed, Marijuana |
Capsella bursa-pastoris | Shepherd's Purse |
Caragana arborescens | Siberian Peashrub, Siberian Pea Tree |
Cardamine bulbosa | Spring Cress, Bulbous Bittercress |
Cardamine concatenata | Cutleaf Toothwort |
Cardamine impatiens | Narrow-leaf Bittercress, Bushy Rockcress |
Cardamine parviflora | Small-flowered Bittercress, Sand Bittercress, Dry-land Bittercress |
Cardamine pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Bittercress |
Cardamine pratensis | Cuckoo Flower |
Carduus acanthoides | Plumeless Thistle, Spiny Plumeless Thistle |
Carduus nutans | Nodding Thistle, Nodding Plumeless Thistle, Musk Thistle |
Carex albursina | White Bear Sedge, Blunt-scaled Wood Sedge |
Carex alopecoidea | Foxtail Sedge |
Carex annectens | Yellow-fruit Sedge, Yellow Fox Sedge |
Carex aquatilis | Water Sedge, Aquatic Sedge |
Carex arcta | Northern Clustered Sedge |
Carex arctata | Drooping Wood Sedge |
Carex assiniboinensis | Assiniboine Sedge, Assiniboia Sedge |
Carex atherodes | Slough Sedge, Wheat Sedge, Awned Sedge, Hairy-leaved Lake Sedge |
Carex aurea | Golden-fruited Sedge |
Carex backii | Back's Sedge |
Carex bebbii | Bebb's Sedge |
Carex bicknellii | Bicknell's Sedge, Copper-shouldered Oval Sedge |
Carex blanda | Common Woodland Sedge, Charming Sedge |
Carex brevior | Short-beak Sedge, Short Sedge |
Carex bromoides | Brome-like Sedge |
Carex brunnescens | Brownish Sedge, Green Bog Sedge |
Carex buxbaumii | Buxbaum's Sedge, Brown Bog Sedge |
Carex canescens | Silvery Sedge, White Sedge |
Carex capillaris | Hair-like Sedge |
Carex careyana | Carey's Sedge |
Carex castanea | Chestnut Sedge |
Carex cephaloidea | Thin-leaf Sedge, Cluster-bracted Sedge |
Carex cephalophora | Oval-headed Sedge, Oval-leaf Sedge, Short-headed Bracted Sedge |
Carex chordorrhiza | Creeping Sedge, String-root Sedge |
Carex communis | Fibrous-root Sedge, Colonial Sedge |
Carex comosa | Bristly Sedge, Long-hair Sedge, Bottlebrush Sedge |
Carex conjuncta | Soft Fox Sedge, Jointed Sedge |
Carex conoidea | Openfield Sedge, Field Sedge, Prairie Gray Sedge |
Carex crawei | Crawe's Sedge |
Carex crawfordii | Crawford's Sedge, Early Fen Sedge |
Carex crinita | Fringed Sedge |
Carex cristatella | Crested Sedge, Crested Oval Sedge |
Carex crus-corvi | Raven's-foot Sedge |
Carex cryptolepis | Northeastern Sedge, Small Yellow Sedge, Crypitc Sedge, Secretive Sedge |
Carex davisii | Davis' Sedge |
Carex debilis | Weak Sedge, White-edge Sedge |
Carex deflexa | Northern Sedge |
Carex deweyana | Dewey's Sedge, Round-fruited Short-scaled Sedge |
Carex diandra | Lesser Panicled Sedge, Lesser Tussock Sedge |
Carex disperma | Soft-leaf Sedge, Two-seeded Sedge |
Carex duriuscula | Needleleaf Sedge, Spike-rush Sedge |
Carex eburnea | Ivory Sedge, Bristleleaf Sedge |
Carex echinata | Star Sedge, Little Prickly Sedge, Slender Sedge |
Carex echinodes | Marsh Straw Sedge, Pointed Quill Sedge |
Carex emoryi | Emory's Sedge, Riverbank Sedge |
Carex exilis | Coastal Sedge |
Carex filifolia | Thread-leaf Sedge |
Carex flava | Yellow Sedge, Yellow-green Sedge |
Carex foenea | Straw Sedge, Hay Sedge, Bronze-Head Oval Sedge, Dry-spike Sedge, Bronze Sedge |
Carex formosa | Handsome Sedge |
Carex garberi | Elk Sedge, Garber's Sedge |
Carex gracillima | Graceful Sedge |
Carex granularis | Limestone Meadow Sedge, Meadow Sedge, Granular Sedge, Pale Sedge |
Carex gravida | Heavy Sedge, Heavy-fruited Sedge, Long-awned Bracted Sedge |
Carex grayi | Gray's Sedge, Common Bur Sedge, Morning Star Sedge |
Carex grisea | Wood Gray Sedge, Inflated Narrow-leaf Sedge, Ambiguous Sedge |
Carex gynandra | Nodding Sedge |
Carex gynocrates | Northern Bog Sedge, Feminine Sedge |
Carex hallii | Hall's Sedge, Deer Sedge |
Carex haydenii | Hayden's Sedge, Cloud Sedge |
Carex hirtifolia | Hairy Wood Sedge, Pubescent Sedge, Hairy-leaved Sedge, Hairy Sedge |
Carex hitchcockiana | Hitchcock's Sedge |
Carex hookerana | Hooker's Sedge |
Carex houghtoniana | Houghton's Sedge |
Carex hystericina | Porcupine Sedge, Bottlebrush Sedge |
Carex inops | Sun-loving Sedge, Long-stolon Sedge, Sun Sedge |
Carex interior | Inland Sedge |
Carex intumescens | Greater Bladder Sedge, Bladder Sedge, Shining Bur Sedge |
Carex jamesii | James' Sedge |
Carex lacustris | Lake Sedge, Hairy Sedge, Lake-bank Sedge, Ripgut Sedge |
Carex laeviconica | Smooth-cone Sedge, Plains Slough Sedge, Long-tooth Lake Sedge |
Carex laevivaginata | Smooth-sheathed Sedge |
Carex lasiocarpa | Wiregrass Sedge, Fen Wiregrass Sedge, Woolly-fruited Sedge |
Carex laxiculmis | Spreading Sedge, Creeping Sedge, Loose-culmed Sedge |
Carex lenticularis | Lakeshore Sedge, Shore Sedge, Lenticular Sedge |
Carex leptalea | Bristle-stalked Sedge |
Carex leptonervia | Nerveless Woodland Sedge, Fine-nerved Sedge |
Carex limosa | Mud Sedge, Bog Sedge, Shore Sedge, Candle-lantern sedge |
Carex livida | Livid Sedge, Pale Sedge, Lead-colored Sedge |
Carex lupulina | Common Hop Sedge |
Carex magellanica | Poor Sedge, Bog Sedge, Boreal Bog Sedge |
Carex meadii | Mead's Sedge |
Carex media | Intermediate Sedge, Close-headed Sedge, Norway Sedge, Scandanavian Sedge |
Carex merritt-fernaldii | Fernald's Sedge |
Carex michauxiana | Michaux's Sedge |
Carex molesta | Troublesome Sedge |
Carex muehlenbergii | Muhlenberg's Sedge, Sand Sedge |
Carex muskingumensis | Muskingum Sedge, Palm Sedge |
Carex novae-angliae | New England Sedge |
Carex obtusata | Blunt Sedge, Obtuse Sedge |
Carex oligocarpa | Few-fruited Sedge, Eastern Few-fruit Sedge, Rich Woods Sedge, Sparse-fruit Sedge |
Carex oligosperma | Few-seeded Sedge, Bog Wiregrass Sedge |
Carex ormostachya | Necklace Spike Sedge, Necklace Sedge |
Carex pallescens | Pale Sedge |
Carex pauciflora | Few-flowered Sedge |
Carex peckii | Peck's Sedge |
Carex pedunculata | Long-stalked Sedge |
Carex pellita | Woolly Sedge |
Carex pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Sedge |
Carex plantaginea | Plantain-leaved Sedge, Seersucker Sedge |
Carex praegracilis | Clustered Field Sedge, Freeway Sedge, Very Slender Sedge |
Carex prairea | Prairie Sedge |
Carex praticola | Northern Meadow Sedge, Prairie-dweller Sedge |
Carex projecta | Necklace Sedge |
Carex pseudocyperus | Cyperus-like Sedge, False Bristly Sedge |
Carex radiata | Eastern Star Sedge, Straight-styled Wood Sedge |
Carex retrorsa | Retrorse Sedge, Knotsheath Sedge, Deflexed Bottlebrush Sedge |
Carex richardsonii | Richardson's Sedge |
Carex rosea | Rosy Sedge, Starry Sedge, Curly-style Star Sedge |
Carex rossii | Ross' Sedge |
Carex rostrata | Beaked Sedge, Glaucus Beaked Sedge, Bottle Sedge |
Carex sartwellii | Sartwell's Sedge, Running Marsh Sedge |
Carex saximontana | Rocky Mountain Sedge |
Carex scirpoidea | Northern Single-spike Sedge, Canadian Single-spike Sedge, Bulrush Sedge |
Carex scoparia | Pointed Broom Sedge, Broom Sedge, Lance-fruited Oval Sedge |
Carex siccata | Dry-spike Sedge, Running Prairie Sedge |
Carex sparganioides | Bur-reed Sedge, Thin-leaved Sedge |
Carex sprengelii | Sprengel's Sedge, Long-beaked Sedge |
Carex sterilis | Sterile Sedge, Dioecious Sedge |
Carex stipata | Awl-fruited Sedge, Common Fox Sedge, Prickly Sedge, Spongy Sedge, Stalk-grained Sedge |
Carex stricta | Tussock Sedge, Upright Sedge |
Carex sychnocephala | Many-headed Sedge |
Carex tenera | Quill Sedge, Delicate Quill Sedge, Marsh Straw Sedge |
Carex tenuiflora | Sparse-flowered Sedge, Thin-flowered Sedge |
Carex tetanica | Rigid Sedge |
Carex tonsa | Shaved Sedge |
Carex torreyi | Torrey's Sedge |
Carex tribuloides | Blunt Broom Sedge, Awl-fruited Oval Sedge |
Carex trichocarpa | Hairy-fruited Sedge |
Carex trisperma | Three-seeded Sedge |
Carex tuckermanii | Tuckerman's Sedge |
Carex typhina | Cattail Sedge |
Carex umbellata | Parasol Sedge |
Carex utriculata | Common Beaked Sedge, Northwest Territory Sedge, Swollen Beaked Sedge, Common Yellow Lake Sedge |
Carex vaginata | Sheathed Sedge |
Carex vesicaria | Blister Sedge, Inflated Sedge, Lesser Bladder Sedge, Tufted Lake Sedge |
Carex viridula | Little Green Sedge |
Carex vulpinoidea | Fox Sedge, Brown Fox Sedge, Common Fox Sedge |
Carex woodii | Pretty Sedge, Wood's Sedge |
Carex xerantica | Whitescale Sedge, Dry Sedge, Dry-land Sedge |
Carpinus caroliniana | Blue Beech, Musclewood, American Hornbeam, Ironwood |
Carum carvi | Caraway |
Carya cordiformis | Bitternut Hickory, Yellow-bud Hickory |
Carya ovata | Shagbark Hickory |
Castilleja coccinea | Indian Paintbrush, Scarlet Painted-cup |
Castilleja septentrionalis | Northern Paintbrush, Northern Painted-cup, Labrador Indian Paintbrush, Sulpher Indian Paintbrush, Pale Indian Paintbrush, Pale Painted-cup |
Castilleja sessiliflora | Downy Painted-cup, Downy Paintbrush, Yellow Painted-cup |
Catalpa speciosa | Northern Catalpa, Cigar Tree |
Caulophyllum thalictroides | Blue Cohosh, Pappoose-root, Squaw-root |
Ceanothus americanus | New Jersey Tea, Redroot, Wild Snowball |
Ceanothus herbaceus | Narrow-leaved New Jersey Tea, Prairie Redroot |
Celastrus orbiculatus | Round-leaf Bittersweet, Oriental Bittersweet, Asian Bittersweet |
Celastrus scandens | American Bittersweet, Climbing Bittersweet |
Celtis occidentalis | Hackberry, Northern Hackberry, Common Hackberry |
Cenchrus longispinus | Sandbur, Mat Sandbur, Common Sandbur |
Centaurea cyanus | Cornflower, Bachelor's Buttons, Bluebottle, Garden Knapweed |
Centaurea jacea | Brown Knapweed |
Centaurea montana | Perennial Cornflower, Mountain Cornflower, Mountain Bluet, Bachelor's Button |
Centaurea nigrescens | Alpine Knapweed |
Centaurea solstitialis | Yellow Starthistle, St. Barbaby's Thistle, Yellow Knapweed |
Centaurea stoebe | Spotted Knapweed |
Centaurea X moncktonii | Meadow Knapweed |
Centaurium pulchellum | Branching Centaury, Lesser Centaury |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | Buttonbush |
Cerastium arvense | Field Chickweed |
Cerastium brachypodum | Short-stalked Chickweed, Short-stalk Mouse-ear Chickweed, Western Chickweed |
Cerastium fontanum | Mouse-ear Chickweed, Big Chickweed |
Cerastium nutans | Nodding Chickweed, Nodding Mouse-ear Chickweed |
Ceratophyllum demersum | Common Coontail, Coon's-tail, Hornwort |
Ceratophyllum echinatum | Spiny Coontail, Spineless Hornwort, Prickly Hornwort |
Chaenorhinum minus | Dwarf Snapdragon |
Chaiturus marrubiastrum | False Motherwort, Horehound Motherwort |
Chamaecrista fasciculata | Partridge Pea, Showy Partridge Pea |
Chamaedaphne calyculata | Leather-leaf |
Chamaenerion angustifolium | Fireweed, Rosebay, Great Willowherb |
Chamaerhodos erecta | Nuttall's Groundrose, Nuttall's Rock-rose, Nuttall's Little Rose |
Chelidonium majus | Celandine, Greater Celandine |
Chelone glabra | White Turtlehead |
Chenopodium album | Lamb's-quarters, Pigweed, Fat Hen |
Chenopodium berlandieri | Pitseed Goosefoot, Berlandier's Goosefoot, Pigweed |
Chenopodium capitatum | Strawberry Blite, Blite Goosefoot, Strawberry Spinach |
Chenopodium glaucum | Oak-leaved Goosefoot |
Chenopodium pratericola | Desert Goosefoot, Narrow-leaved Goosefoot |
Chenopodium rubrum | Red Goosefoot |
Chenopodium simplex | Maple-leaf Goosefoot, Giant-seed Goosefoot |
Chenopodium standleyanum | Woodland Goosefoot, Standley's Goosefoot |
Chimaphila umbellata | Pipsissewa, Prince's-pine |
Chrysosplenium americanum | American Golden Saxifrage, Water Mat, Water Carpet |
Chrysosplenium iowense | Iowa Golden Saxifrage |
Cichorium intybus | Chicory, Blue Sailors, Wild Succory, Blue Dandelion |
Cicuta bulbifera | Bulblet-bearing Water Hemlock |
Cicuta maculata | Water Hemlock, Spotted Water Hemlock, Spotted Cowbane |
Cinna arundinacea | Sweet Woodreed, Stout Woodreed, Wood-reed Grass |
Cinna latifolia | Drooping Woodreed, Slender Woodreed, Sweet Reed Grass |
Circaea alpina | Alpine Enchanter's Nightshade, Small Enchanter's Nightshade, Dwarf Enchanter's Nightshade |
Circaea canadensis | Enchanter's Nightshade, Broadleaf Enchanter's Nightshade |
Cirsium altissimum | Tall Thistle, Roadside Thistle |
Cirsium arvense | Canada Thistle, Field Thistle |
Cirsium discolor | Field Thistle, Pasture Thistle |
Cirsium flodmanii | Flodman's Thistle, Hollow-root Thistle, Prairie Thistle |
Cirsium muticum | Swamp Thistle |
Cirsium palustre | Marsh Thistle, European Swamp Thistle, Marsh Plume Thistle |
Cirsium pumilum var. hillii | Hill's Thistle, Hollow-root Thistle |
Cirsium vulgare | Bull Thistle |
Cladium mariscoides | Smooth Sawgrass, Twig Rush |
Claytonia caroliniana | Carolina Spring Beauty, Northern Spring Beauty |
Claytonia virginica | Virginia Spring Beauty |
Claytosmunda claytoniana | Interrupted Fern |
Clematis occidentalis | Purple Clematis, Purple Virgin's Bower |
Clematis virginiana | Virgin's Bower, Devil's Darning Needles |
Clinopodium vulgare | Wild Basil, Field Basil |
Clintonia borealis | Bluebead, Yellow Bluebead Lily, Yellow Clintonia, Corn Lily |
Coeloglossum viride | Long-bract Frog Orchid, Long-bracted Orchid |
Collomia linearis | Tiny Trumpet, Narrow-leaf Mountain Trumpet, Slender-leaf Collomia |
Comandra umbellata | Bastard Toadflax |
Comarum palustre | Marsh Cinquefoil, Purple Marshlocks, Purple Cinquefoil |
Commelina communis | Asiatic Dayflower |
Commelina erecta | Slender Dayflower |
Comptonia peregrina | Sweet-fern |
Conium maculatum | Poison Hemlock |
Convallaria majalis | European Lily-of-the-valley |
Convolvulus arvensis | Field Bindweed |
Conyza canadensis | Canadian Horseweed, Canada Fleabane |
Coptis trifolia | Three-leaf Goldthread |
Corallorhiza maculata var. maculata | Spotted Coralroot, Summer Coralroot |
Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis | Western Spotted Coralroot |
Corallorhiza odontorhiza | Autumn Coralroot, Late Coralroot |
Corallorhiza striata | Striped Coralroot, Hooded Coralroot |
Corallorhiza trifida | Early Coralroot, Spring Coralroot, Yellow Coralroot, Northern Coralroot |
Coreopsis lanceolata | Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Lance-leaf Tickseed, Sand Coreopsis |
Coreopsis palmata | Prairie Coreopsis, Stiff Tickseed, Finger Coreopsis |
Coreopsis tinctoria | Plains Coreopsis, Golden Tickseed, Calliopsis |
Cornus alternifolia | Pagoda Dogwood, Alternate-leaved Dogwood |
Cornus amomum | Silky Dogwood, Pale Dogwood, Swamp Dogwood |
Cornus canadensis | Bunchberry, Bunchberry Dogwood, Creeping Dogwood |
Cornus racemosa | Gray Dogwood |
Cornus rugosa | Round-leaved Dogwood |
Cornus sericea | Red-osier Dogwood |
Corydalis aurea | Golden Corydalis, Scrambled Eggs |
Corydalis micrantha | Slender Fumewort, Smallflower Corydalis |
Corydalis sempervirens | Pale Corydalis, Rock Harlequin, Pink Corydalis |
Corylus americana | American Hazelnut |
Corylus cornuta | Beaked Hazelnut |
Coryphantha vivipara | Pincushion Cactus, Spiny-star |
Crataegus chrysocarpa | Fireberry Hawthorn, Round-leaf Hawthorn, Red Haw |
Crataegus douglasii | Black Hawthorn, Douglas Hawthorn |
Crataegus macracantha | Large-thorned Hawthorn, Long-thorned Hawthorn |
Crataegus macrosperma | Large-seeded Hawthorn, Big-fruit Hawthorn, Eastern Hawthorn |
Crataegus mollis | Downy Hawthorn, Red Haw |
Crataegus punctata | Dotted Hawthorn, White Haw |
Crataegus submollis | Quebec Hawthorn |
Crataegus succulenta | Fleshy Hawthorn |
Crepis runcinata | Fiddle-leaf Hawksbeard, Incised Hawk's-beard, Naked-stemmed Hawksbeard |
Crepis tectorum | Narrow-leaf Hawksbeard, Yellow Hawk's Beard |
Crocanthemum bicknellii | Hoary Frostweed |
Crocanthemum canadense | Canada Frostweed, Common Frostweed |
Crotalaria sagittalis | Rattlebox, Arrowhead Rattle-box |
Croton glandulosus | Vente Conmigo, Tropic Croton, Glandular Croton, Sand Croton, Northern Croton |
Cryptogramma stelleri | Slender Cliff Brake, Slender Rock-brake |
Cryptotaenia canadensis | Canadian Honewort |
Cubelium concolor | Eastern Green Violet |
Cuscuta cephalanthi | Buttonbush Dodder |
Cuscuta glomerata | Rope Dodder, Aster Dodder |
Cuscuta gronovii | Swamp Dodder, Common Dodder |
Cuscuta pentagona | Field Dodder, Prairie Dodder, Five-angled Dodder, Bushclover Dodder |
Cyclachaena xanthiifolia | Giant Sumpweed, Marsh Elder, False Ragweed |
Cycloloma atriplicifolium | Winged Pigweed |
Cynanchum louiseae | Black Swallow-wort, Black Dog-strangling Vine |
Cynoglossum officinale | Gypsy Flower, Hound's-tongue |
Cynoglossum virginianum | Wild Comfrey, Northern Wild Comfrey, Wild Hound's-tongue |
Cyperus acuminatus | Tapertip Flatsedge, Short-pointed Umbrella-sedge, Taperleaf Flatsedge |
Cyperus bipartitus | Shining Flatsedge, Slender Flatsedge, Brook Nutsedge |
Cyperus diandrus | Umbrella Flatsedge, Slender Flatsedge |
Cyperus engelmannii | Engelmann's Flatsedge |
Cyperus erythrorhizos | Red-root Flatsedge |
Cyperus esculentus | Yellow Nutsedge, Chufa Nutsedge, Earth Almond, Tiger Nut |
Cyperus fuscus | Brown Flatsedge, Brown Galingale |
Cyperus houghtonii | Houghton's Flatsedge, Houghton's Sand Sedge |
Cyperus lupulinus | Slender Nutsedge, Great Plains Flatsedge, Slender Sand Sedge |
Cyperus odoratus | Fragrant Flatsedge, Rusty Flatsedge |
Cyperus schweinitzii | Schweinitz's Flatsedge, Schweinitz's Nutsedge |
Cyperus squarrosus | Bearded Flatsedge, Awned Flatsedge, Awned Umbrella-sedge |
Cyperus strigosus | Straw-colored Flatsedge, Straw-colored Umbrella Sedge |
Cyperus subsquarrosus | Dwarf Bulrush, Small-flowered Hemicarpha, Small-flower Halfchaff Sedge |
Cypripedium acaule | Stemless Lady's-slipper, Pink Moccasin-flower, Small Pink Lady's-slipper |
Cypripedium arietinum | Ram's-head Lady's-slipper, Ram's-head Moccasin Flower |
Cypripedium candidum | Small White Lady's-slipper, White Moccasin-flower |
Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin | Small Yellow Lady's-slipper, Lesser Yellow Lady's-slipper |
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens | Greater Yellow Lady's-slipper, Large Yellow Lady's Slipper |
Cypripedium reginae | Showy Lady's-slipper |
Cystopteris bulbifera | Bulblet Fern, Bulblet Bladderfern, Bulblet Fragile Fern |
Cystopteris fragilis | Fragile Fern, Brittle Bladderfern, Northern Fragile Fern |
Cystopteris laurentiana | Laurentian Fragile Fern, Laurentian Bladderfern, Laurentian Bulblet Fern, St. Lawrence Bladderfern, Hybrid Bladder Fern |
Cystopteris protrusa | Southern Fragile Fern, Lowland Bladder Fern, Southern Bladder Fern, Protruding Fragile Fern |
Cystopteris tenuis | Mackay's Fragile Fern, Mackay's Brittle Fern, Upland Brittle Bladderfern |
Dactylis glomerata | Orchard Grass, Cock's-foot |
Dalea candida | White Prairie Clover |
Dalea leporina | Foxtail Prairie Clover, Foxtail Dalea |
Dalea purpurea | Purple Prairie Clover |
Dalea villosa | Silky Prairie Clover, Downy Prairie Clover |
Danthonia spicata | Poverty Grass, Poverty Oat-grass |
Dasiphora fruticosa | Shrubby Cinquefoil |
Datura stramonium | Jimsonweed, Thorn-apple, Devil's Snare, Devil's Trumpet |
Datura wrightii | Sacred Thorn-apple, Sacred Datura, Western Jimsonweed, Angel's Trumpet, Indian Apple, Moonflower |
Daucus carota | Queen Anne's Lace, Wild Carrot, Bird's Nest |
Decodon verticillatus | Swamp Loosestrife, Water Willow |
Delphinium carolinianum | Carolina Larkspur, Prairie Larkspur |
Dendrolycopodium dendroideum | Tree Clubmoss, Prickly Tree Ground-pine, Round-branched Groundpine, Princess Pine |
Dendrolycopodium hickeyi | Hickey's Clubmoss, Hickey's Tree Clubmoss, Pennsylvania Clubmoss, Princess Pine |
Dendrolycopodium obscurum | Flat-branched Tree Clubmoss, Flat-branched Ground Pine, Princess Pine |
Deparia acrostichoides | Silvery Spleenwort, Silvery Glade Fern |
Deschampsia cespitosa | Tufted Hairgrass |
Deschampsia flexuosa | Wavy Hairgrass, Crinkled Hairgrass, Slender Hairgrass |
Descurainia pinnata | Tansy Mustard, Pinnate Tansy Mustard, Western Tansy Mustard |
Descurainia sophia | Herb Sophia, Flixweed |
Desmanthus illinoensis | Prairie Mimosa, Illinois Bundleflower, Prairie Bundle-flower |
Desmodium canadense | Showy Tick-trefoil, Hoary Tick-trefoil, Canada Tick-clover |
Desmodium cuspidatum | Large-bract Tick-trefoil, Big Tick Trefoil |
Desmodium glutinosum | Pointed-leaf Tick-trefoil, Large-flower tickclover |
Desmodium illinoense | Illinois Tick-trefoil |
Desmodium nudiflorum | Naked-flower Tick-trefoil, Stemless Tick-trefoil, Naked-stem Tick-trefoil |
Dianthus armeria | Deptford Pink |
Dianthus barbatus | Sweet William |
Dianthus deltoides | Maiden Pink |
Diarrhena obovata | Obovate Beakgrain, American Beakgrain, Hairy Beakgrain, American Beak-grass |
Dicentra canadensis | Squirrel Corn |
Dicentra cucullaria | Dutchman's Breeches |
Dichanthelium boreale | Northern Panic Grass, Northern Rosette Grass |
Dichanthelium latifolium | Broad-leaved Panic Grass, Broad-leaved Rosette Grass |
Dichanthelium leibergii | Leiberg's Panic Grass, Leiberg's Rosette Grass |
Dichanthelium scribnerianum | Scribner's Panic Grass, Scribner's Rosette Grass, Scribner's Panicum |
Dichanthelium xanthophysum | Slender Panic Grass, Slender Rosette Grass, Yellow Panic Grass, Pale Panic-grass, Pale-leaved Rosette-panicgrass, Slender Panicum |
Diervilla lonicera | Bush Honeysuckle, Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle, Northern Honeysuckle, |
Digitalis grandiflora | Yellow Foxglove |
Digitalis lanata | Grecian Foxglove, Woolly Foxglove |
Digitaria cognata | Fall Witch Grass, Mountain Hairgrass, Carolina Crabgrass |
Digitaria ischaemum | Smooth Crabgrass |
Digitaria sanguinalis | Hairy Crabgrass, Large Crabgrass, Common Crabgrass |
Dioscorea villosa | Wild Yam, Yam-root, Colic Root |
Diphasiastrum complanatum | Northern Groundcedar, Northern Running-pine, Flat-stemmed Clubmoss |
Diphasiastrum digitatum | Southern Groundcedar, Fan Clubmoss, Trailing Ground-pine |
Diphasiastrum tristachyum | Blue Groundcedar, Wirey Groundcedar, Deep-root Clubmoss |
Diplachne fusca | Bearded Sprangletop, Salt Meadow Grass |
Dipsacus fullonum | Common Teasel, Fuller's Teasel |
Dipsacus laciniatus | Cut-leaf Teasel |
Dirca palustris | Leatherwood, Eastern Leatherwood |
Distichlis spicata | Saltgrass, Desert Saltgrass, Inland Salt Grass, Coastal Saltgrass |
Dodecatheon amethystinum | Jeweled Shooting Star, Amethyst Shooting Star |
Dodecatheon meadia | Prairie Shooting Star, Pride-of-Ohio |
Doellingeria umbellata | Flat-topped White Aster, Flat-top Aster, Parasol Whitetop |
Draba arabisans | Rock Whitlow-grass, Arabian Whitlow-grass |
Draba cana | Hoary Whitlow-grass, Hoary Draba |
Draba nemorosa | Yellow Whitlow-grass, Woodland Draba, Yellow Whitlow-wort |
Draba reptans | Carolina Whitlow-grass, Carolina Draba |
Draba verna | Spring Whitlow-grass |
Dracocephalum parviflorum | American Dragonhead |
Drosera anglica | English Sundew |
Drosera intermedia | Spoon-leaf Sundew, Spatulate-leaved Sundew |
Drosera linearis | Linear-leaved Sundew, Slender-leaf Sundew |
Drosera rotundifolia | Round-leaved Sundew |
Drymocallis arguta | Tall Cinquefoil, Prairie Cinquefoil |
Dryopteris carthusiana | Spinulose Wood Fern, Spinulose Shield Fern, Toothed Wood Fern |
Dryopteris cristata | Crested Fern, Crested Shield Fern, Crested Wood Fern |
Dryopteris expansa | Spreading Wood Fern, Northern Wood Fern |
Dryopteris fragrans | Fragrant Fern, Fragrant Wood Fern, Fragrant Shield Fern, Fragrant Cliff Fern |
Dryopteris goldiana | Goldie's Fern, Giant Wood Fern |
Dryopteris intermedia | Glandular Wood Fern, Intermediate Wood Fern, Fancy Wood Fern |
Dryopteris marginalis | Marginal Shield Fern, Marginal Wood Fern, Eastern Wood Fern |
Dulichium arundinaceum | Three-way Sedge, Dwarf Bamboo |
Dysphania botrys | Jerusalem Oak, Sticky Goosefoot, Feather Geranium |
Dyssodia papposa | Fetid Marigold, Prairie Dogweed, False Dog-fennel |
Echinacea angustifolia | Narrow-leaved Purple Coneflower, Black-samson Echinacea |
Echinacea pallida | Pale Purple Coneflower, Pale Echinaceae |
Echinacea purpurea | Eastern Purple Coneflower |
Echinochloa crus-galli | Barnyard Grass, Large Barnyard Grass, Cockspur Barnyard Grass, Barnyard Millet |
Echinochloa muricata | Rough Barnyard Grass, American Barnyard Grass, Awned Barnyard Grass |
Echinochloa walteri | Walter's Barnyard Grass, Coast Cockspur Grass, Coast Barnyard Grass, Long-Awn Cock's-Spur Grass |
Echinocystis lobata | Wild Cucumber |
Echium vulgare | Viper's Bugloss, Blueweed |
Eclipta prostrata | Yerba-de-tajo, False Daisy |
Elaeagnus angustifolia | Russian Olive |
Elaeagnus commutata | Silverberry, Wolf Willow |
Elaeagnus umbellata | Autumn Olive |
Eleocharis acicularis | Needle Spikerush, Least Spikerush, Needle Spike-sedge, Dwarf Hairgrass |
Eleocharis compressa | Flatstem Spikerush, Flattened Spikerush, Flat-stemmed Spike-sedge |
Eleocharis elliptica | Elliptic Spikerush |
Eleocharis engelmannii | Englemann's Spikerush, Engelmann's Spikesedge |
Eleocharis erythropoda | Bald Spikerush, Red-footed Spike-sedge |
Eleocharis flavescens | Bright Green Spikerush, Olivaceous Spikerush, Yellow Spike-sedge, Capitate Spikerush |
Eleocharis intermedia | Intermediate Spikerush, Matted Spikerush, Mudflat Spike-sedge |
Eleocharis macrostachya | Pale Spikerush, Large-spike Spikerush |
Eleocharis nitida | Neat Spikerush, Quill Spikerush, Slender Spikerush, Quill Spike-sedge |
Eleocharis obtusa | Blunt Spikerush, Blunt Spike-sedge |
Eleocharis ovata | Ovate Spikerush, Ovoid Spike-sedge |
Eleocharis palustris | Common Spikerush, Common Spike-sedge |
Eleocharis quinqueflora | Few-flowered Spikerush, Few-flowered Spike-sedge |
Eleocharis robbinsii | Robbins' Spikerush |
Eleocharis rostellata | Beaked Spikerush, Beaked Spike-sedge, Walking Sedge |
Eleocharis wolfii | Wolf's Spikerush |
Ellisia nyctelea | Aunt Lucy, Waterpod |
Elymus canadensis | Canada Wild Rye, Nodding Wild Rye, Great Plains Wild Rye |
Elymus curvatus | Awnless Wild Rye, Short-awned Wild Rye |
Elymus hystrix | Bottlebrush Grass, Eastern Bottlebrush Grass |
Elymus repens | Quackgrass, Couchgrass |
Elymus riparius | Riverbank Wild Rye, Eastern Riverbank Wild Rye, River Wild Rye |
Elymus trachycaulus | Slender Wheatgrass |
Elymus villosus | Silky Wild Rye, Hairy Wild Rye, Downy Wild Rye |
Elymus virginicus | Virginia Wild Rye |
Elymus wiegandii | Wiegand's Wild Rye |
Empetrum nigrum | Black Crowberry |
Enemion biternatum | False Rue Anemone |
Epigaea repens | Trailing Arbutus, Mayflower, Ground Laurel |
Epilobium ciliatum | Fringed Willowherb, American Willowherb, Northern Willowherb, Common Willowherb |
Epilobium coloratum | Purple-leaf Willowherb, Cinnamon Willowherb, Eastern Willowherb |
Epilobium leptophyllum | Bog Willowherb, Narrow-leaved Willowherb, Linear-leaved Willowherb |
Epilobium strictum | Downy Willowherb |
Epipactis helleborine | Helleborine, Broad-leaved Helleborine |
Equisetum arvense | Field Horsetail, Common Horsetail |
Equisetum fluviatile | Water Horsetail |
Equisetum laevigatum | Smooth Scouring Rush |
Equisetum palustre | Marsh Horsetail |
Equisetum praealtum | Tall Scouring Rush, Common Scouring Rush, Rough Horsetail |
Equisetum pratense | Meadow Horsetail |
Equisetum scirpoides | Dwarf Scouring Rush, Dwarf Horsetail |
Equisetum sylvaticum | Woodland Horsetail, Wood Horsetail |
Equisetum variegatum | Variegated Scouring Rush |
Eragrostis cilianensis | Stink Grass, Stinking Lovegrass |
Eragrostis frankii | Sandbar Lovegrass, Frank's Lovegrass |
Eragrostis hypnoides | Creeping Lovegrass, Teal Love Grass |
Eragrostis minor | Little Lovegrass, Smaller Stinkgrass |
Eragrostis pectinacea | Tufted Lovegrass, Carolina Lovegrass |
Eragrostis spectabilis | Purple Lovegrass, Tumble Grass |
Eragrostis trichodes | Sand Lovegrass |
Erechtites hieraciifolius | Pilewort, American Burnweed, Fireweed |
Erigeron acris | Bitter Fleabane, Blue Fleabane |
Erigeron annuus | Annual Fleabane, Eastern Daisy Fleabane |
Erigeron glabellus | Smooth Fleabane, Streamside Fleabane |
Erigeron philadelphicus | Philadelphia Fleabane, Common Fleabane |
Erigeron pulchellus | Robin's Plantain, Poor Robin's Fleabane |
Erigeron strigosus | Prairie Fleabane, Daisy Fleabane, Rough Fleabane |
Eriocaulon aquaticum | Common Pipewort, Seven-angle Pipewort |
Eriochloa villosa | Hairy Cupgrass, Woolly Cupgrass |
Eriophorum angustifolium | Tall Cottongrass, Common Cottongrass, Tall Cotton-sedge |
Eriophorum gracile | Slender Cottongrass |
Eriophorum russeolum | Russet Cottongrass, Red Cottongrass, Rusty Cotton-grass |
Eriophorum tenellum | Few-nerved Cottongrass, Delicate Cottongrass, Few-nerved Cotton-sedge |
Eriophorum vaginatum | Tussock Cottongrass, Tussock Cotton-sedge |
Eriophorum virginicum | Tawny Cottongrass, Tawny Cotton-sedge |
Eriophorum viridicarinatum | Green-keeled Cottongrass, Thin-leaf Cotton-sedge, Tassel Cotton-grass, |
Erucastrum gallicum | Dog Mustard, Hairy Rocket |
Eryngium yuccifolium | Rattlesnake Master, Button Eryngo, Button Snakeroot |
Erysimum asperum | Western Wallflower |
Erysimum cheiranthoides | Wormseed Wallflower, Worm-seed Mustard, Treacle Mustard |
Erysimum inconspicuum | Small-flowered Wallflower |
Erythronium albidum | White Trout Lily, White Fawn Lily, White Dog-tooth Violet, White Adder's Tongue |
Erythronium americanum | Yellow Trout Lily, Yellow Adder's-tongue, Dogtooth Violet |
Erythronium propullans | Dwarf Trout Lily, Minnesota Dwarf Trout Lily, Minnesota Fawnlily, Minnesota Adder's-tongue |
Euonymus alatus | Winged Burning-bush, Winged Euonymus, Winged Spindle-tree |
Euonymus atropurpureus | Eastern Wahoo, Burning-bush, Spindle-tree |
Eupatorium altissimum | Tall Boneset, Tall Thoroughwort |
Eupatorium perfoliatum | Common Boneset |
Eupatorium sessilifolium | Upland Boneset, Upland Thoroughwort |
Euphorbia corollata | Flowering Spurge |
Euphorbia cyathophora | Painted Leaf, Wild Poinsettia, Fire-on-the-mountain |
Euphorbia cyparissias | Cypress Spurge, Graveyard-weed |
Euphorbia dentata | Toothed Spurge |
Euphorbia geyeri | Geyer's Spurge, Geyer's Sandmat, Dune Spurge |
Euphorbia glyptosperma | Ridge-seed Spurge, Rib-seed Sandmat |
Euphorbia maculata | Spotted Spurge, Prostrate Spurge, Spotted Sandmat |
Euphorbia marginata | Snow-on-the-mountain |
Euphorbia nutans | Nodding Spurge, Eyebane, Spotted Spurge |
Euphorbia prostrata | Prostrate Spurge |
Euphorbia serpillifolia | Thyme-leaved Spurge, Thyme-leaf Sandmat |
Euphorbia spathulata | Warty Spurge, Prairie Spurge, Blunt-leaved Spurge, Reticulate-seeded Spurge |
Euphorbia virgata | Leafy Spurge |
Euphrasia hudsoniana | Hudson Bay Eyebright |
Euphrasia officinalis | Tartary Eyebright, European Eyebright |
Eurybia macrophylla | Large-leaved Aster, Big-leaf Aster |
Euthamia graminifolia | Grass-leaved Goldenrod, Flat-top Goldentop, Lance-leaved Goldenrod |
Euthamia gymnospermoides | Great Plains Goldenrod, Texas Goldentop, Viscid Goldenrod |
Eutrochium maculatum | Spotted Joe-pye Weed, Purple Boneset, Spotted Trumpetweed |
Eutrochium purpureum | Sweet Scented Joe Pye Weed, Sweet Joe-Pye Weed |
Fagopyrum esculentum | Buckwheat |
Fallopia cilinodis | Fringed Black-bindweed, Fringed False Buckwheat |
Fallopia convolvulus | Black-bindweed |
Fallopia scandens | Climbing False Buckwheat |
Festuca rubra | Red Fescue |
Festuca saximontana | Rocky Mountain Fescue, Mountain Fescue |
Festuca subverticillata | Nodding Fescue |
Festuca trachyphylla | Hard Fescue, Sheep Fescue, Long-leaved Fescue |
Ficaria verna | Lesser Celandine, Fig Crowfoot, Fig Buttercup, Eurasian Buttercup |
Filipendula ulmaria | Queen-of-the-meadow, Meadowsweet |
Fimbristylis autumnalis | Slender Fimbry, Autumn Fimbry |
Floerkea proserpinacoides | False Mermaid |
Fragaria vesca | Woodland Strawberry, American Wood Strawberry |
Fragaria virginiana | Wild Strawberry, Common Strawberry, Virginia Strawberry |
Frangula alnus | Glossy Buckthorn, Columnar Buckthorn, Fen Buckthorn, European Buckthorn, Alder Buckthorn |
Fraxinus americana | White Ash |
Fraxinus nigra | Black Ash |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica | Green Ash |
Froelichia floridana | Prairie Cottonweed, Plains Snakecotton, Florida Snake-cotton, Field Snake-cotton |
Gaillardia aristata | Blanketflower, Common Gaillardia, Great Blanket-flower |
Galearis spectabilis | Showy Orchis, Showy Orchid |
Galeopsis tetrahit | Brittlestem Hemp-nettle, Common Hemp-nettle |
Galinsoga parviflora | Small-flowered Galinsoga, Gallant Soldier, Little-flower Quickweed |
Galinsoga quadriradiata | Shaggy Soldier, Hairy galinsoga, Quick Weed, Peruvian Daisy |
Galium aparine | Sticky-willy, Cleavers, Catchweed Bedstraw, Goose-grass |
Galium asprellum | Rough Bedstraw |
Galium boreale | Northern Bedstraw |
Galium circaezans | Licorice Bedstraw, Wild Licorice |
Galium concinnum | Shining Bedstraw |
Galium labradoricum | Labrador Bedstraw, Northern Bog Bedstraw |
Galium mollugo | False Baby's Breath, Smooth Bedstraw, Hedge Bedstraw, Whorled Bedstraw |
Galium obtusum | Bluntleaf Bedstraw, Wild Madder, Obtuse Bedstraw |
Galium tinctorium | Stiff Marsh Bedstraw, Clayton's Bedstraw, Wild Madder, Southern Three-lobed Bedstraw |
Galium trifidum | Three-petal Bedstraw, Northern Three-lobed Bedstraw, Small Bedstraw |
Galium triflorum | Fragrant Bedstraw, Sweet-scented Bedstraw |
Galium verum | Yellow Bedstraw, Lady's Bedstraw |
Gaultheria hispidula | Creeping Snowberry |
Gaultheria procumbens | Wintergreen, Eastern Teaberry, Checkerberry |
Gaylussacia baccata | Black Huckleberry |
Gentiana affinis | Pleated Gentian, Northern Gentian, Rocky Mountain Gentian, Prairie Gentian |
Gentiana andrewsii | Bottle Gentian, Closed Bottle Gentian, Andrew's Gentian |
Gentiana flavida | Yellow Gentian, Cream Gentian, Pale Gentian, Plain Gentian |
Gentiana puberulenta | Downy Gentian, Prairie Gentian |
Gentiana rubricaulis | Great Lakes Gentian, Closed Gentian, Red-stemmed Gentian |
Gentianella quinquefolia | Stiff Gentian, Ague-weed |
Gentianopsis crinita | Greater Fringed Gentian |
Gentianopsis virgata | Lesser Fringed Gentian, Smaller Fringed Gentian |
Geocaulon lividum | Northern Comandra, False Toadflax, Timberberry, Pumpkinberry, Red-fruited Bastard Toadflax |
Geranium bicknellii | Bicknell's Cranesbill, Northern Cranesbill |
Geranium carolinianum | Carolina Cranesbill, Carolina Geranium |
Geranium maculatum | Wild Geranium, Spotted Geranium, Spotted Cranesbill, Wild Cranesbill Alumroot |
Geranium sibiricum | Siberian Cranesbill |
Geum aleppicum | Yellow Avens |
Geum canadense | White Avens |
Geum laciniatum | Rough Avens |
Geum macrophyllum | Large-leaf Avens |
Geum rivale | Purple Avens, Water Avens |
Geum triflorum | Prairie Smoke, Old Man's Whiskers |
Glechoma hederacea | Ground Ivy, Creeping Charlie, Gill-over-the-Ground |
Gleditsia triacanthos | Honey Locust |
Glyceria borealis | Northern Manna Grass, Small Floating Mannagrass |
Glyceria canadensis | Rattlesnake Manna Grass |
Glyceria grandis | American Manna Grass, Reed Mannagrass, Tall Manna Grass |
Glyceria striata | Fowl Manna Grass, Pale Manna Grass |
Glycyrrhiza lepidota | Wild Licorice, American Licorice |
Gnaphalium uliginosum | Low Cudweed, Marsh Cudweed |
Goodyera pubescens | Downy Rattlesnake Plantain |
Goodyera repens | Lesser Rattlesnake Plantain, Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain |
Goodyera tesselata | Tesselated Rattlesnake Plantain, Checkered Rattlesnake Plantain |
Gratiola neglecta | Clammy Hedge-hyssop, Disk Hyssop |
Grindelia squarrosa | Gumweed, Curlycup Gumweed, Curly-top Gumweed |
Gymnocarpium continentale | Nahanni Oak Fern |
Gymnocarpium dryopteris | Common Oak Fern, Northern Oak Fern |
Gymnocarpium robertianum | Northern Oak Fern, Limestone Oak Fern |
Gymnocladus dioicus | Kentucky Coffee Tree |
Gypsophila muralis | Low Baby's Breath, Wall Baby's Breath, Annual Gypsophila |
Gypsophila paniculata | Baby's Breath, Panicled Baby's-breath, Tall Baby's Breath |
Hackelia deflexa | Nodding Stickseed, American Stickseed |
Hackelia virginiana | Virginia Stickseed, Beggar's-lice, Sticktight |
Halenia deflexa | American Spurred Gentian, Green Gentian |
Hamamelis virginiana | Witch Hazel |
Hammarbya paludosa | Bog Adder's-mouth |
Hasteola suaveolens | Sweet-smelling Indian Plantain |
Hedeoma hispida | Rough False Pennyroyal, Mock Pennyroyal |
Helenium autumnale | Sneezeweed, Common Sneezeweed, Sneezewort, Swamp Sunflower |
Helianthus annuus | Common Sunflower |
Helianthus giganteus | Giant Sunflower, Tall Sunflower, Swamp Sunflower |
Helianthus grosseserratus | Sawtooth Sunflower |
Helianthus hirsutus | Hairy Sunflower, Stiff-haired Sunflower, Whiskered Sunflower, Hispid Sunflower |
Helianthus maximiliani | Maximilian Sunflower |
Helianthus nuttallii | Nuttall's Sunflower |
Helianthus occidentalis | Few-leaf Sunflower, Naked-stem Sunflower, Western Sunflower |
Helianthus pauciflorus | Stiff Sunflower, Prairie Sunflower, Few-leaved Sunflower |
Helianthus petiolaris | Prairie Sunflower, Plains Sunflower |
Helianthus strumosus | Woodland Sunflower, Pale-leaved Sunflower |
Helianthus tuberosus | Jerusalem Artichoke |
Heliopsis helianthoides | Smooth Oxeye, Common Ox-eye, False Sunflower, Sunflower Heliopsis |
Hemerocallis fulva | Day Lily, Orange Daylily |
Heracleum maximum | Common Cow Parsnip, American Cow-parsnip |
Hesperis matronalis | Dame's Rocket |
Hesperostipa comata | Needle-and-thread Grass |
Hesperostipa curtiseta | Western Porcupine Grass, Small Porcupine Grass, Short-awned Porcupine Grass, Short-bristle Needle-and-thread Grass |
Hesperostipa spartea | Porcupine grass, Needlegrass |
Heteranthera dubia | Water Star-grass, Grass-leaf Mud-plantain |
Heteranthera limosa | Blue Mud Plantain, Ducksalad |
Heterotheca villosa | Hairy False Goldenaster, Hairy Golden-aster |
Heuchera richardsonii | Prairie Alumroot, Richardson's Alumroot |
Hibiscus laevis | Halberd-leaved Rose Mallow, Smooth Rose Mallow |
Hibiscus trionum | Flower of an Hour |
Hieracium aurantiacum | Orange Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush |
Hieracium caespitosum | Meadow Hawkweed, Yellow King-devil, Field Hawkweed |
Hieracium longipilum | Hairy Hawkweed, Long-bearded Hawkweed |
Hieracium pilosella | Mouse-ear Hawkweed |
Hieracium piloselloides | Glaucous King-devil, Smooth Hawkweed, Tall Hawkweed, King-devil Hawkweed |
Hieracium scabrum | Sticky Hawkweed, Rough Hawkweed |
Hieracium umbellatum | Narrow-leaf Hawkweed, Canada Hawkweed, Rough Hawkweed, Northern Hawkweed |
Hippuris vulgaris | Mare's Tail, Common Mare's-tail |
Homalosorus pycnocarpos | Narrow-leaved Spleenwort, Narrow-leaved Glade Fern |
Hordeum jubatum | Foxtail Barley, Squirrel-tail Grass, Squirrel-tail Barley |
Hordeum pusillum | Little Barley |
Houstonia longifolia | Long-leaf Bluets, Long-leaf Houstonia, Long-leaf Summer Bluet |
Hudsonia tomentosa | Beach Heather, Woolly Beach-heather, False Heather, Woolly Hudsonia, Poverty Grass |
Humulus japonicus | Hooked Hair Hops, Japanese Hops |
Humulus lupulus | Common Hops, American Hops |
Huperzia appressa | Appalachian Firmoss, Mountain Fir-moss |
Huperzia lucidula | Shining Firmoss, Shining Clubmoss |
Huperzia porophila | Rock Firmoss, Rock Clubmoss |
Huperzia selago | Northern Firmoss, Fir Clubmoss, Mountain Clubmoss |
Hydrastis canadensis | Golden Seal |
Hydrocotyle americana | American Water Pennywort, American Marsh-pennywort |
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides | Floating Pennywort, Buttercup Pennywort, Floating Marsh-pennywort, Water Pennywort |
Hydrophyllum appendiculatum | Appendaged Waterleaf, Great Waterleaf |
Hydrophyllum virginianum | Virginia Waterleaf, Eastern Waterleaf |
Hylotelephium telephium | Orpine, Live-forever, Witch's Moneybags |
Hypericum ascyron | Great St. Johnswort, Giant St. John's-wort |
Hypericum boreale | Northern St. John's-wort |
Hypericum ellipticum | Pale St. John's-wort, Elliptic-leaved St. John's-wort, Creeping St. John's-wort |
Hypericum kalmianum | Kalm's St. John's-wort |
Hypericum majus | Larger Canadian St. Johnswort, Greater St Johnswort |
Hypericum perforatum | Common St. Johnswort, Klamath-weed |
Hypericum punctatum | Spotted St. John's-wort |
Hypopitys monotropa | Pinesap, False Beech Drops, Yellow Bird's-Nest |
Hypoxis hirsuta | Yellow Star-grass, Yellow-eyed Grass, Common Goldstar |
Ilex mucronata | Swamp Holly, Catberry, Mountain Holly |
Ilex verticillata | Winterberry, Common Winterberry Holly |
Impatiens capensis | Spotted Touch-me-not, Jewelweed |
Impatiens pallida | Pale Touch-me-not, Yellow Jewelweed, Yellow Touch-me-not |
Inula helenium | Elecampane, Horse Yellowhead |
Iodanthus pinnatifidus | Purple Rocket |
Iris pseudacorus | Pale-yellow Iris, Yellow Flag |
Iris versicolor | Harlequin Blueflag, Blueflag Iris, Northern Blueflag |
Iris virginica | Southern Blueflag, Virginia Iris |
Isoetes echinospora | Spiny-spore Quillwort, Spiny Quillwort, Spring Quillwort, Braun's Quillwort |
Isoetes melanopoda | Prairie Quillwort, Black-foot Quillwort |
Jeffersonia diphylla | Twinleaf |
Juglans cinerea | Butternut, White Walnut |
Juglans nigra | Black Walnut |
Juncus alpinoarticulatus | Northern Green Rush, Alpine Rush |
Juncus articulatus | Jointed Rush, Joint-leaf Rush |
Juncus balticus | Baltic Rush, Mountain Rush |
Juncus brevicaudatus | Narrow-panicled Rush, Short-tailed Rush |
Juncus bufonius | Toad Rush |
Juncus canadensis | Canada Rush |
Juncus compressus | Round-fruited Rush, Flattened Rush, Compressed Rush |
Juncus dudleyi | Dudley's Rush |
Juncus effusus | Soft Rush, Common Rush |
Juncus filiformis | Thread Rush |
Juncus greenei | Greene's Rush |
Juncus interior | Inland Rush |
Juncus longistylis | Long-styled Rush |
Juncus marginatus | Grassleaf Rush, Marginated Rush |
Juncus nodosus | Knotted Rush, Knotty Rush, Joint Rush |
Juncus pelocarpus | Brown-fruit Rush |
Juncus stygius | Bog Rush, Moor Rush |
Juncus tenuis | Path Rush, Poverty Rush, Slender Rush |
Juncus torreyi | Torrey's Rush |
Juncus vaseyi | Vasey's Rush |
Juniperus communis | Common Juniper |
Juniperus horizontalis | Creeping Juniper |
Juniperus virginiana | Eastern Red Cedar |
Kalmia polifolia | Bog Laurel, Pale Laurel, Swamp-laurel |
Knautia arvensis | Field Scabious, Bluebuttons |
Koeleria macrantha | Junegrass |
Krigia biflora | Two-flowered Cynthia, Two-flowered False Dandelion, Orange Dwarf Dandelion |
Lactuca biennis | Tall Blue Lettuce, Blue Wood Lettuce, Biennial Blue Lettuce |
Lactuca canadensis | Wild Lettuce, Canada Lettuce, Tall Lettuce |
Lactuca floridana | Woodland Lettuce, Florida Lettuce |
Lactuca ludoviciana | Louisiana Lettuce, Prairie Lettuce, Western Wild Lettuce |
Lactuca serriola | Prickly Lettuce |
Lamiastrum galeobdolon | Yellow Archangel, Yellow Deadnettle, Yellow Henbit |
Lamium amplexicaule | Henbit, Henbit Deadnettle |
Laportea canadensis | Canadian Wood Nettle |
Lappula occidentalis | Western Stickseed, Flatspine Stickseed, Flatspine Sheepburr, Redowski's Stickseed |
Lappula squarrosa | European Stickseed, Two-row Stickseed, Bristly Sheepburr, Bluebur |
Lapsana communis | Common Nipplewort |
Larix decidua | European Larch, Common Larch |
Larix laricina | Tamarack, American Larch |
Lathyrus japonicus | Beach Pea |
Lathyrus ochroleucus | Cream Pea, Pale Vetchling, Pale Pea, Cream Peavine |
Lathyrus palustris | Marsh Vetchling, Marsh Pea, Wild Pea |
Lathyrus sylvestris | Narrow-leaved Everlasting Pea, Everlasting Pea, Narrow-leaved Vetchling, Perennial Pea, Flat Pea, Flat Peavine |
Lathyrus tuberosus | Earthnut Pea, Tuberous Vetchling, Tuberous Pea, Earth Chestnut, Earthnut Peavine, Tuberous Sweetpea |
Lathyrus venosus | Veiny Pea, Bushy Vetchling, Forest Pea |
Lechea stricta | Prairie Pinweed, Bushy Pinweed |
Lechea tenuifolia | Narrowleaf Pinweed, Slender Pinweed |
Leersia lenticularis | Catchfly Grass |
Leersia oryzoides | Rice Cutgrass |
Leersia virginica | White Grass, White Cutgrass, Virginia Cutgrass |
Lemna minor | Common Duckweed, Lesser Duckweed |
Lemna trisulca | Star Duckweed, Ivy-leaved Duckweed, Forked Duckweed |
Lemna turionifera | Turion Duckweed, Red Duckweed |
Leonurus cardiaca | Motherwort |
Leonurus sibiricus | Siberian Motherwort, Honeyweed, Marihuanilla, Little Marijuana |
Lepidium densiflorum | Green-flowered Peppergrass, Common Pepperweed, Prairie Pepperweed, Miner's Pepperwort |
Lepidium draba | White-top, Hoary Cress, Heart-podded Pepperweed |
Lepidium virginicum | Virginia Peppergrass, Virginia Pepperweed, Poor-man's Pepperweed, Poorman's Pepperwort, Common Peppergrass, Virginia Peppercress |
Lespedeza capitata | Round-headed Bush Clover, Rabbit foot, Roundhead Lespedeza |
Lespedeza leptostachya | Prairie Bush Clover, Prairie Lespedeza, Slender-spike Lespedeza |
Leucanthemella serotina | Giant Daisy |
Leucanthemum vulgare | Ox-eye Daisy, Common Daisy, Marguerite |
Leucophysalis grandiflora | Large False Ground Cherry, White-flowered Ground-cherry, Large-flowered Ground-cherry |
Liatris aspera | Rough Blazing Star, Tall Blazing Star, Gayfeather |
Liatris cylindracea | Cylindric Blazing Star, Ontario Blazing Star, Barrelhead Gayfeather |
Liatris ligulistylis | Northern Plains Blazing Star, Northern Plains Gayfeather, Rocky Mountain Blazing Star, Meadow Blazing Star |
Liatris punctata | Dotted Blazing Star, Dotted Gayfeather, Narrow-leaved Blazing Star |
Liatris pycnostachya | Prairie Blazing Star, Cat-tail Gayfeather, Thick-spike Gayfeather, Tall Blazing Star |
Lilium lancifolium | Tiger Lily |
Lilium michiganense | Michigan Lily |
Lilium philadelphicum | Wood Lily, Western Orange-cup Lily, Western Red Lily |
Limosella aquatica | Mudwort, Awl-leaf Mudwort, Water-mudwort |
Linaria dalmatica | Dalmatian Toadflax |
Linaria vulgaris | Butter and Eggs, Yellow Toadflax |
Lindernia dubia | False Pimpernel, Yellow-seeded False Pimpernel |
Linnaea borealis | Twinflower |
Linum lewisii | Blue Flax, Lewis Flax |
Linum perenne | Perennial Flax, Blue Flax, Garden Flax |
Linum rigidum | Stiffstem Flax, Large-flowered Yellow Flax |
Linum sulcatum | Grooved Yellow Flax |
Linum usitatissimum | Common Flax |
Liparis liliifolia | Lily-leaved Twayblade, Brown Widelip Orchid, Large Twayblade, Purple Twayblade, Mauve Sleekwort |
Liparis loeselii | Loesel's Twayblade, Yellow Widelip Orchid, Bog Twayblade, Fen Orchid |
Listera cordata | Heart-leaved Twayblade |
Lithospermum canescens | Hoary Puccoon |
Lithospermum caroliniense | Carolina Puccoon, Hairy Puccoon, Carolina Gromwell |
Lithospermum incisum | Narrow-leaf Puccoon, Narrowleaf Stoneseed, Fringed Puccoon, Yellow Puccoon, Narrow-leaf Gromwell |
Lithospermum latifolium | American Gromwell, American Stoneseed, Broad-leaved Gromwell |
Littorella americana | American Shoreweed, American Shore Plantain |
Lobelia cardinalis | Cardinal Flower |
Lobelia dortmanna | Water Lobelia |
Lobelia inflata | Indian Tobacco |
Lobelia kalmii | Kalm's Lobelia, Brook Lobelia, Ontario Lobelia |
Lobelia siphilitica | Blue Lobelia, Great Blue Lobelia, Blue Cardinal Flower |
Lobelia spicata | Pale-spike Lobelia |
Lolium multiflorum | Annual Ryegrass, Italian Ryegrass |
Lolium perenne | Perennial Ryegrass, English Ryegrass |
Lomatium orientale | Northern Idaho Biscuitroot, Oriental Desert Parsley, Salt-and-Pepper |
Lonicera canadensis | Fly Honeysuckle |
Lonicera dioica | Wild Honeysuckle, Limber Honeysuckle, Red Honeysuckle, Glaucous Honeysuckle |
Lonicera hirsuta | Hairy Honeysuckle |
Lonicera maackii | Amur Honeysuckle, Bush Honeysuckle |
Lonicera morrowii | Morrow's Honeysuckle |
Lonicera oblongifolia | Swamp Fly Honeysuckle, Swamp Honeysuckle |
Lonicera reticulata | Grape Honeysuckle |
Lonicera tatarica | Tatarian Honeysuckle |
Lonicera villosa | Mountain Fly Honeysuckle, Mountain Honeysuckle |
Lonicera X bella | Showy Honeysuckle, Showy Fly Honeysuckle, Bell's Honeysuckle |
Lotus corniculatus | Birds-foot Trefoil, Birdfoot Deervetch |
Lotus purshianus | American Bird's-foot Trefoil, Prairie Bird's-foot Trefoil |
Ludwigia palustris | Water Purslane, Water Primrose, Marsh Purslane, Marsh Seedbox |
Ludwigia polycarpa | False Loosestrife, Many-fruit Primrose |
Lupinus perennis | Wild Lupine, Sundial Lupine |
Lupinus polyphyllus | Large-leaved Lupine, Western Lupine, Big-leaf Lupine, Garden Lupine |
Luzula acuminata | Hairy Woodrush, Pointed Woodrush, Clustered Woodrush |
Luzula luzuloides | Oak Forest Woodrush, Lamarck's Woodrush |
Luzula multiflora | Common Woodrush, Many-flowered Woodrush, Heath Woodrush |
Luzula parviflora | Small-flowered Woodrush |
Lycopodiella inundata | Northern Bog Clubmoss, Marsh Clubmoss, Inundated Clubmoss |
Lycopodium clavatum | Running Clubmoss, Running Ground-pine |
Lycopodium lagopus | One-cone Clubmoss, One-cone Ground-pine |
Lycopus americanus | American Water Horehound, American Bugleweed, Cut-leaved Bugleweed |
Lycopus asper | Rough Bugleweed |
Lycopus uniflorus | Northern Bugleweed |
Lycopus virginicus | Virginia Bugleweed |
Lygodesmia juncea | Skeletonweed, Rush Skeleton-plant |
Lysimachia borealis | Starflower |
Lysimachia ciliata | Fringed Loosestrife |
Lysimachia hybrida | Lowland Yellow Loosestrife, Hybrid Loosestrife, Lance-leaved Loosestrife |
Lysimachia minima | Chaffweed |
Lysimachia nummularia | Creeping Jenny, Moneywort |
Lysimachia quadriflora | Prairie Loosestrife, Four-flower Yellow Loosestrife, Linear-leaf Loosestrife |
Lysimachia quadrifolia | Whorled Loosestrife |
Lysimachia terrestris | Swamp Candles, Swamp Loosestrife, Earth Loosestrife |
Lysimachia thyrsiflora | Tufted Loosestrife, Water Loosestrife |
Lysimachia vulgaris | Garden Loosestrife |
Lythrum alatum | Winged Loosestrife, Wing-angled Loosestrife, Winged Lythrum |
Lythrum salicaria | Purple Loosestrife |
Maianthemum canadense | Canada Mayflower, Wild Lily-of-the-valley, False Lily-of-the-valley |
Maianthemum racemosum | False Solomon's Seal, Solomon's Plume, Feathery False Lily-of-the-Valley |
Maianthemum stellatum | Starry False Solomon's Seal, Starry Solomon's Plume, Starry False Lily-of-the-Valley |
Maianthemum trifolium | Three-leaf False Solomon's-seal, Three-leaf Solomon's-plume, Three-leaf False Lily of the Valley |
Malaxis monophyllos | White Adder's-mouth |
Malaxis unifolia | Green Adder's-mouth |
Malus ioensis | Prairie Crabapple, Iowa Crab Apple, Wild Crabapple |
Malva neglecta | Common Mallow, Cheeses, Cheeseweed |
Malva pusilla | Round-leaved Mallow, Low Mallow, Dwarf Mallow |
Marsilea vestita | Hairy Water Clover, Hairy Pepperwort |
Matricaria chamomilla | German Chamomile, Wild Chamomile, Scented Mayweed |
Matricaria discoidea | Pineapple-weed, Disc Mayweed |
Matteuccia struthiopteris | Ostrich Fern |
Medicago lupulina | Black Medick, Black Medic |
Medicago sativa | Alfalfa, Purple Medick |
Melampyrum lineare | Cow Wheat, Narrow-leaf Cow-wheat, American Cow Wheat |
Melica nitens | Three-flowered Melic |
Melilotus albus | White Sweet Clover, Honey Clover |
Melilotus officinalis | Yellow Sweet Clover |
Menispermum canadense | Canada Moonseed |
Mentha arvensis | Wild Mint, Field Mint |
Mentha spicata | Spearmint |
Menyanthes trifoliata | Buckbean, Bog Bean, Marsh Trefoil, Water Shamrock |
Mertensia paniculata | Northern Bluebells, Tall Lungwort, Tall Bluebells, Panicled Bluebells |
Mertensia virginica | Virginia Bluebells, Virginia Cowslip, Virginia Lungwort |
Micranthes pensylvanica | Swamp Saxifrage, Eastern Swamp Saxifrage |
Micranthes virginiensis | Early Saxifrage, Virginia Saxifrage |
Milium effusum | Wood Millet, Woodland Millet Grass, American Millet Grass, Tall Millet |
Mimulus glabratus | Round-leaf Monkey Flower |
Mimulus ringens | Allegheny Monkey Flower, Blue Monkey-flower |
Minuartia dawsonensis | Rock Sandwort, Rock Stitchwort |
Mirabilis albida | Hairy Four O'clock |
Mirabilis nyctaginea | Wild Four O'Clock, Heart-leaved Four O'Clock |
Miscanthus sacchariflorus | Creeping Miscanthus, Amur Silvergrass, Silver Banner-grass |
Mitchella repens | Partridgeberry, Two-eyed Berry, Twin Berry |
Mitella diphylla | Two-leaf Miterwort, Bishop's Cap |
Mitella nuda | Naked Miterwort, Small Bishop's Cap |
Moehringia lateriflora | Bluntleaf Sandwort, Grove Sandwort |
Moehringia macrophylla | Large-leaved Sandwort |
Mollugo verticillata | Carpetweed, Indian Chickweed, Devil's Grip |
Monarda fistulosa | Wild Bergamot, Horsemint, Bee Balm, Mint-leaf Bee-balm |
Monarda punctata | Spotted Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm |
Moneses uniflora | One-flowered Pyrola, One-flowered Wintergreen, Single Delight |
Monolepis nuttalliana | Nuttall's Povertyweed |
Monotropa uniflora | Indian Pipe |
Montia chamissoi | Water Minerslettuce, Toad Lily, Chamisso's Candy-Flower, Water Montia |
Morus alba | White Mulberry |
Morus rubra | Red Mulberry |
Muhlenbergia asperifolia | Scratchgrass, Alkali Muhly |
Muhlenbergia cuspidata | Plains Muhly |
Muhlenbergia frondosa | Wirestem Muhly, Swamp Muhly |
Muhlenbergia glomerata | Spike Muhly, Marsh Muhly, Clustered Muhly Grass, Marsh Wild Timothy |
Muhlenbergia mexicana | Mexican Muhly, Satin Grass |
Muhlenbergia racemosa | Marsh Muhly, Green Muhly, Upland Wild Timothy |
Muhlenbergia richardsonis | Mat Muhly |
Muhlenbergia schreberi | Nimblewill, Dropseed Muhly |
Muhlenbergia uniflora | Bog Muhly, One-flowered Muhly |
Mulgedium pulchellum | Showy Blue Lettuce, Common Blue Lettuce, Beautiful Blue Lettuce, Russian Blue Lettuce |
Myosotis arvensis | Field Forget-me-not |
Myosotis laxa | Smaller Forget-me-not, Tufted Forget-me-not |
Myosotis scorpioides | True Forget-me-not, Water Forget-me-not, Water Scorpion Grass |
Myosotis sylvatica | Wood Forget-me-not, Garden Forget-me-not |
Myosotis verna | Spring Forget-me-not, Virginia Forget-me-not, Spring Scorpion Grass |
Myosoton aquaticum | Giant Chickweed |
Myosurus minimus | Mousetail, Tiny Mousetail |
Myrica gale | Sweet-gale, Bog Myrtle |
Myriophyllum alterniflorum | Alternate-flowered Water-milfoil |
Myriophyllum farwellii | Farwell's Water-milfoil |
Myriophyllum sibiricum | Northern Water-milfoil, Common Water-milfoil, Shortspike Watermilfoil |
Myriophyllum spicatum | Eurasian Water-milfoil, Spiked Water-milfoil |
Myriophyllum tenellum | Slender Water-milfoil, Dwarf Water-milfoil |
Myriophyllum verticillatum | Whorled Water-milfoil |
Myriopteris gracilis | Slender Lip Fern, Fee's Lipfern |
Nabalus albus | White Rattlesnake-root, White Lettuce, Lion's-foot |
Nabalus asper | Rough Rattlesnake-root, Hairy Rattlesnake-root, Rough White Lettuce |
Nabalus racemosus | Purple Rattlesnake-root, Glaucus Rattlesnake-root, Smooth Rattlesnake-root, Prairie Rattlesnake-root, Glaucous White Lettuce |
Najas flexilis | Nodding Waternymph, Slender Naiad, Flexuous Naiad, Northern Waternymph |
Najas gracillima | Slender Waternymph, Slender Naiad, Thread-leaf Naiad |
Najas guadalupensis | Southern Waternymph, Southern Naiad, Common Waternymph, Guadalupe Waternymph, Guppy Grass |
Najas marina | Spiny Naiad, Spiny Water Nymph, Holly-leaved Naiad, Sea Naiad, Marine Naiad |
Napaea dioica | Glade Mallow |
Nassella viridula | Green Needle Grass |
Nasturtium officinale | Watercress, Small-leaved Water-cress |
Nelumbo lutea | American Lotus, Wab-bis-sa-pin, Tewape, Water-Chinquapin, Sacred Bean |
Neottia auriculata | Auricled Twayblade |
Nepeta cataria | Catnip, Cat mint |
Nothocalais cuspidata | Prairie False Dandelion, Sharp-point Prairie Dandelion, Wavy-leaf Agoseris |
Nuphar variegata | Yellow Pond-lily, Bullhead Lily, Variegated Yellow Pond-lily |
Nuphar X rubrodisca | Intermediate Pond-lily, Red-disk Pond-lily, Yellow Pond-lily |
Nuttallanthus canadensis | Old-field Toadflax, Blue Toadflax, Canada Toadflax |
Nymphaea leibergii | Small White Water-lily, Pygmy Waterlily, Leiberg's Water-lily |
Nymphaea odorata | American White Water-lily, Fragrant White Water-lily |
Odontites vernus | Red Bartsia, Red Rattle, Late-flowering Eyebright |
Oenothera biennis | Common Evening Primrose |
Oenothera clelandii | Cleland's Evening Primrose, Sand Evening Primrose |
Oenothera gaura | Biennial Gaura, Biennial Beeblossom, Butterfly Weed |
Oenothera laciniata | Cut-leaved Evening Primrose, Ragged Evening Primrose |
Oenothera nuttallii | Nuttall's Evening Primrose, White-stemmed Evening Primrose |
Oenothera oakesiana | Oakes' Evening Primrose |
Oenothera parviflora | Northern Evening Primrose, Small-flowered Evening Primrose |
Oenothera perennis | Small Sundrops, Little Evening-primrose, Perennial Evening-primrose |
Oenothera rhombipetala | Fourpoint Evening Primrose, Rhombic Evening Primrose |
Oenothera serrulata | Yellow Sundrops, Toothed Evening Primrose, Plains Yellow Primrose |
Oenothera suffrutescens | Scarlet Gaura, Scarlet Beeblossom |
Oenothera villosa | Hairy Evening Primrose |
Onoclea sensibilis | Sensitive Fern |
Onopordum acanthium | Scotch Thistle, Scotch Cotton-thistle |
Onosmodium bejariense | False Gromwell, Soft-hair Marbleseed, Western Marbleseed |
Ophioglossum pusillum | Northern Adder's-tongue |
Opuntia fragilis | Brittle Prickly Pear, Fragile Prickly Pear, Little Prickly Pear |
Opuntia macrorhiza | Plains Prickly Pear, Twist-spine Pricklypear |
Orobanche fasciculata | Clustered Broomrape |
Orobanche ludoviciana | Louisiana Broomrape, Prairie Broom-rape |
Orobanche uniflora | One-flowered Broomrape, Naked Broomrape, One-flowered Cancer-root |
Orthilia secunda | One-sided Pyrola, One-sided Shinleaf, One-sided Wintergreen, Sidebells Wintergreen |
Orthocarpus luteus | Yellow Owl-clover |
Oryzopsis asperifolia | Rough-leaved Rice Grass, Mountain Ricegrass |
Osmorhiza claytonii | Sweet Cicely, Clayton's Sweetroot |
Osmorhiza longistylis | Aniseroot, Long-style Sweetroot, Smoother Sweet Cicely |
Osmunda regalis | Royal Fern |
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum | Cinnamon Fern |
Ostrya virginiana | Ironwood, American Hop-hornbeam, Eastern Hop-hornbeam |
Oxalis dillenii | Southern Wood Sorrel, Slender Yellow Wood Sorrel |
Oxalis montana | Common Wood Sorrel, Mountain Woodsorrel |
Oxalis stricta | Yellow Wood Sorrel, Common Yellow Oxalis |
Oxalis violacea | Violet Wood Sorrel |
Oxypolis rigidior | Cowbane, Common Water Dropwort |
Oxytropis borealis var. viscida | Sticky Locoweed, Boreal Locoweed |
Oxytropis lambertii | Lambert's Locoweed, Purple Locoweed |
Packera aurea | Golden Ragwort, Heart-leaved Groundsel |
Packera cana | Woolly Groundsel, Gray Ragwort, Silvery Ragwort |
Packera indecora | Elegant Groundsel, Rayless Mountain Ragwort |
Packera paupercula | Balsam Ragwort, Balsam Grounsel |
Packera plattensis | Prairie Ragwort, Prairie Groundsel |
Packera pseudaurea | Western Heart-leaved Groundsel, False Gold Groundsel |
Panax quinquefolius | American Ginseng, Wild Ginseng |
Panax trifolius | Dwarf Ginseng |
Panicum capillare | Witchgrass |
Panicum dichotomiflorum | Fall Panic Grass, Smooth Witchgrass |
Panicum virgatum | Switchgrass, Tall Panicgrass |
Parietaria pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Pellitory |
Parnassia glauca | American Grass of Parnassus, Fen Grass of Parnassus, Grass of Parnassus |
Parnassia palustris | Marsh Grass of Parnassus |
Paronychia canadensis | Smooth Forked Nailwort, Canada Forked Chickweed, Tall Forked Chickweed, Smooth Forked Whitlow-wort |
Parthenium integrifolium | Wild Quinine, American Feverfew |
Parthenocissus inserta | Woodbine, Grape-woodbine, Thicket Creeper, Virginia Creeper |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia Creeper, Woodbine |
Paspalum setaceum | Hairy Beadgrass, Hairy Lens Grass, Thin Paspalum, Slender Paspalum |
Pastinaca sativa | Wild Parsnip |
Patis racemosa | Black-fruited Rice Grass, Black-seeded Mountain Rice Grass |
Pedicularis canadensis | Wood Betony, Canadian Lousewort, Common Lousewort |
Pedicularis lanceolata | Swamp Lousewort, Swamp Betony |
Pediomelum argophyllum | Silverleaf Scurfpea, Silverleaf Indian Breadroot |
Pediomelum esculentum | Prairie Turnip, Large Indian Breadroot, Indian Turnip |
Pellaea atropurpurea | Purple Cliff Brake |
Pellaea glabella | Smooth Cliff Brake |
Penstemon albidus | White Beardtongue, White Penstemon |
Penstemon digitalis | Foxglove Beardtongue, Eastern Smooth Beardtongue |
Penstemon gracilis | Slender Beardtongue, Lilac Penstemon, Slender Penstemon |
Penstemon grandiflorus | Large Beardtongue, Large-flowered Beardtongue, Large-flowered Penstemon |
Penstemon pallidus | Pale Beardtongue, Eastern White Beardtongue |
Penthorum sedoides | Ditch Stonecrop |
Peritoma serrulata | Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Spider-flower, Pink Cleome, Stinking Clover, Stinkweed |
Persicaria amphibia | Swamp Smartweed, Water Smartweed, Longroot Smartweed, Water Knotweed |
Persicaria arifolia | Halberd-leaved Tearthumb |
Persicaria careyi | Carey's Smartweed, Carey's Heart's-ease |
Persicaria hydropiper | Marsh Waterpepper |
Persicaria hydropiperoides | Mild Waterpepper, Swamp Smartweed |
Persicaria lapathifolia | Nodding Smartweed, Pale Smartweed, Curlytop Knotweed |
Persicaria longiseta | Oriental Lady's-thumb, Bristly Lady's-thumb, Bristly Knotweed, Low Smartweed, Creeping Smartweed |
Persicaria maculosa | Lady's-thumb, Spotted Lady's-thumb, Redshank |
Persicaria minor | Pygmy Smartweed, Small Water-pepper |
Persicaria orientalis | Prince's Feather, Kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate |
Persicaria pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Smartweed |
Persicaria punctata | Dotted Smartweed, Water Smartweed |
Persicaria sagittata | Arrow-leaved Tearthumb |
Persicaria virginiana | Jumpseed |
Petasites frigidus | Sweet Coltsfoot, Artic Sweet Coltsfoot, Arctic Butterbur, Palmate Sweet Coltsfoot, Arrow-leaved Sweet Coltsfoot, Grape-leaved Sweet Coltsfoot |
Phacelia franklinii | Franklin's Phacelia, Franklin's Scorpionweed |
Phalaris arundinacea | Reed Canary Grass, Reed Canarygrass |
Phegopteris connectilis | Long Beech Fern, Narrow Beech Fern, Northern Beech Fern |
Phegopteris hexagonoptera | Broad Beech Fern |
Phellodendron amurense | Amur Corktree |
Phemeranthus parviflorus | Small-flowered Fameflower, Sunbright, Prairie Flameflower |
Phemeranthus rugospermus | Rough-seeded Fameflower, Sand Fameflower, Prairie Fameflower |
Phleum pratense | Timothy |
Phlox divaricata | Wild Blue Phlox, Woodland Phlox, Blue Wood Phlox |
Phlox maculata | Wild Sweet William, Spotted Phlox, Meadow Phlox, Speckled Phlox |
Phlox paniculata | Garden Phlox, Fall Phlox, Summer Phlox |
Phlox pilosa | Prairie Phlox, Downy Phlox |
Phlox subulata | Creeping Phlox, Ground Pink, Moss Pink, Moss Phlox |
Phragmites australis subsp. americanus | American Common Reed |
Phragmites australis subsp. australis | European Common Reed |
Phryma leptostachya | American Lopseed |
Phyla lanceolata | Lance-leaf Fog Fruit, Northern Fog Fruit |
Physalis heterophylla | Clammy Ground Cherry |
Physalis longifolia | Long-leaf Ground Cherry |
Physalis virginiana | Virginia Ground Cherry |
Physaria ludoviciana | Bladderpod, Lousiana Bladder-pod |
Physocarpus opulifolius | Ninebark, Atlantic Ninebark, Common Ninebark |
Physostegia virginiana | Obedient Plant, False Dragonhead |
Picea abies | Norway Spruce |
Picea glauca | White Spruce |
Picea mariana | Black Spruce |
Picea pungens | Colorado Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce |
Pilea fontana | Black-fruited Clearweed, Lesser Clearweed, Bog Clearweed |
Pilea pumila | Dwarf Clearweed, Canadian Clearweed |
Pimpinella saxifraga | Burnet Saxifrage, Solid-stem Burnet Saxifrage |
Pinguicula vulgaris | Butterwort |
Pinus banksiana | Jack Pine |
Pinus nigra | Austrian Pine, European Black Pine |
Pinus ponderosa | Ponderosa Pine |
Pinus resinosa | Red Pine, Norway Pine |
Pinus strobus | White Pine |
Pinus sylvestris | Scots Pine, Scotch Pine |
Piptatherum canadense | Canadian Rice Grass |
Piptatherum pungens | Mountain Rice Grass |
Plagiobothrys scouleri | Sleeping Popcornflower, Scouler's Popcornflower, Meadow Popcornflower, Matted Popcornflower |
Plantago aristata | Large-bracted Plantain |
Plantago elongata | Slender Plantain, Prairie Plantain |
Plantago eriopoda | Alkali Plantain, Red-wool Plantain, Woolly-crowned Plantain |
Plantago lanceolata | English Plantain, Narrow-leaf Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain |
Plantago major | Common Plantain, Broad-leaf Plantain |
Plantago patagonica | Woolly Plantain, Pursh's Plantain |
Plantago rugelii | Rugel's Plantain, Black-seed Plantain |
Plantago virginica | Dwarf Plantain, Pale-seed Plantain, Virginia Plantain, Hoary Plantain |
Platanthera aquilonis | Northern Green Orchid, Northern Bog Orchid |
Platanthera clavellata | Small Green Wood Orchid, Green Woodland Orchid, Club-spur Orchid |
Platanthera dilatata | Tall White Bog Orchid, Scentbottle, Leafy White Orchis |
Platanthera flava var. herbiola | Tubercled Rein Orchid, Pale Green Orchid, Pale Green Orchis |
Platanthera hookeri | Hooker's Orchid |
Platanthera huronensis | Tall Northern Bog Orchid |
Platanthera lacera | Ragged Fringed Orchid, Green Fringed Orchid, Ragged Orchis |
Platanthera obtusata | Blunt-leaved Orchid, Small Northern Bog Orchid |
Platanthera orbiculata | Large Round-leaved Orchid, Lesser Round-leaved Orchid |
Platanthera praeclara | Western Prairie Fringed Orchid, Great Plains White Fringed Orchid |
Platanthera psycodes | Lesser Purple Fringed Orchid, Small Purple Fringed Orchis |
Poa alsodes | Grove Bluegrass, Wood Bluegrass, Grove Meadow Grass |
Poa annua | Annual Bluegrass |
Poa arida | Plains Bluegrass |
Poa bulbosa | Bulbous Bluegrass, Bulbous Meadowgrass |
Poa chaixii | Broad-leaf Bluegrass, Broad-leaved Meadow Grass |
Poa compressa | Canada Bluegrass, Flat-stem Bluegrass |
Poa glauca | Glaucous Bluegrass, Pale Bluegrass |
Poa nemoralis | Wood Bluegrass, Wood Meadowgrass, Sylvan Bluegrass |
Poa paludigena | Bog Bluegrass |
Poa palustris | Fowl Bluegrass, Swamp Meadow-grass |
Poa pratensis | Kentucky Bluegrass |
Poa saltuensis | Old-pasture Bluegrass, Weak Bluegrass, Drooping Bluegrass, Woodland Bluegrass, Weak Speargrass |
Podophyllum peltatum | Mayapple, Wild Mandrake, Ground Lemon |
Pogonia ophioglossoides | Rose Pogonia, Snake-mouth Orchid, Adder's-mouth Pogonia |
Polanisia dodecandra | Red-whisker Clammyweed |
Polanisia jamesii | James' Polanisia, James' Cristatella |
Polemonium lacustre | Great Lakes Jacob's Ladder |
Polemonium reptans | Spreading Jacob's Ladder, Greek Valerian, Creeping Polemonium |
Polygala cruciata | Cross-leaved Milkwort, Drumheads, Marsh Milkwort |
Polygala polygama | Racemed Milkwort, Purple Milkwort, Bitter Milkwort |
Polygala sanguinea | Blood Milkwort, Purple Milkwort, Field Milkwort |
Polygala senega | Seneca Snakeroot, Mountain Flax, Rattlesnake Snakeroot |
Polygala verticillata | Whorled Milkwort |
Polygaloides paucifolia | Gaywings, Fringed Milkwort, Fringed Polygala, Flowering Wintergreen |
Polygonatum biflorum | Smooth Solomon's Seal, Giant Solomon's Seal |
Polygonatum pubescens | Hairy Solomon's Seal, Downy Solomon's Seal |
Polygonella articulata | Coast Jointweed, Sand Jointweed, Northern Jointweed |
Polygonum achoreum | Leathery Knotweed, Blake's Knotweed, Striate Knotweed, Blue Knotweed |
Polygonum douglasii | Douglas' Knotweed |
Polygonum tenue | Slender Knotweed, Pleat-leaf Knotweed |
Polymnia canadensis | Leafcup, White-flower Leaf-cup |
Polypodium virginianum | Common Polypody, Rock Polypody |
Polystichum acrostichoides | Christmas Fern |
Polystichum braunii | Braun's Holly Fern, Prickly Shield Fern |
Polytaenia nuttallii | Prairie Parsley, Nuttall's Prairie Parsley |
Pontederia cordata | Pickerelweed |
Populus alba | White Poplar |
Populus balsamifera | Balsam Poplar |
Populus deltoides | Plains Cottonwood, Eastern Cottonwood |
Populus grandidentata | Big-tooth Aspen, Large-tooth Aspen |
Populus tremuloides | Quaking Aspen, Trembling Aspen |
Portulaca oleracea | Common Purslane, Little Hogweed |
Potamogeton alpinus | Alpine Pondweed, Northern Pondweed, Reddish Pondweed |
Potamogeton amplifolius | Large-leaved Pondweed, Broad-leaf Pondweed |
Potamogeton crispus | Curly Pondweed, Curled Pondweed |
Potamogeton epihydrus | Ribbon-leaf Pondweed, American Pondweed |
Potamogeton foliosus | Leafy Pondweed |
Potamogeton gramineus | Grass-leaved Pondweed, Variableleaf Pondweed |
Potamogeton illinoensis | Illinois Pondweed |
Potamogeton natans | Floating Pondweed, Floating-leaf Pondweed, Broad-leaf Pondweed |
Potamogeton nodosus | Long-leaved Pondweed, American Pondweed, Knotty Pondweed |
Potamogeton oakesianus | Oakes' Pondweed |
Potamogeton obtusifolius | Blunt-leaved Pondweed |
Potamogeton praelongus | White-stem Pondweed, Long-stalked Pondweed |
Potamogeton richardsonii | Richardson's Pondweed |
Potamogeton robbinsii | Robbin's Pondweed |
Potamogeton spirillus | Spiral Pondweed, Coiled Pondweed, Northern Snail-seed Pondweed |
Potamogeton strictifolius | Straight-leaved Pondweed, Stiff Pondweed, Narrow-leaf Pondweed |
Potamogeton vaseyi | Vasey's Pondweed |
Potamogeton zosteriformis | Flat-stem Pondweed |
Potentilla anserina | Silverweed Cinquefoil, Silver-weed |
Potentilla argentea | Silver Cinquefoil, Silvery Cinquefoil |
Potentilla hippiana | Woolly Cinquefoil, Horse Cinquefoil |
Potentilla indica | Mock Strawberry, False Strawberry, Indian Strawberry |
Potentilla lasiodonta | Sandhills Cinquefoil |
Potentilla norvegica | Rough Cinquefoil, Norwegian Cinquefoil |
Potentilla pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Cinquefoil, Prairie Cinquefoil |
Potentilla recta | Sulphur Cinquefoil, Rough-fruited Cinquefoil |
Potentilla rivalis | Brook Cinquefoil |
Potentilla simplex | Common Cinquefoil |
Potentilla supina | Bushy Cinquefoil, Sand Cinquefoil |
Primula mistassinica | Mistassini Primrose, Bird's-eye Primrose, Dwarf Canadian Primrose |
Prosartes trachycarpa | Rough-fruited Fairybells, Rough-fruited Mandarin |
Prunella vulgaris | Self-heal, Heal-all |
Prunus americana | Wild Plum, American Red Plum |
Prunus nigra | Canada Plum |
Prunus pensylvanica | Pin Cherry, Fire Cherry |
Prunus pumila | Sand Cherry |
Prunus serotina | Black Cherry |
Prunus virginiana | Chokecherry |
Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium | Sweet Everlasting, Cat-foot, Rabbit-tobacco, Fragrant Cudweed |
Psoralidium tenuiflorum | Slenderleaf Scurfpea, Wild Alfalfa, Scurfy Pea |
Pteridium aquilinum | Bracken, Western Bracken Fern |
Puccinellia distans | Weeping Alkaligrass, European Alkali Grass, Spreading Alkali Grass |
Puccinellia nuttalliana | Nuttall's Alkaligrass |
Pycnanthemum virginianum | Virginia Mountain Mint |
Pyrola americana | Round-leaved Pyrola, American Wintergreen |
Pyrola asarifolia | Pink Pyrola, Bog Wintergreen |
Pyrola chlorantha | Green-flowered Pyrola |
Pyrola elliptica | Shinleaf, Waxflower Shinleaf, Wild Lily-of-the-valley |
Pyrola minor | Small Shinleaf, Lesser Wintergreen |
Quercus alba | White Oak |
Quercus bicolor | Swamp White Oak |
Quercus ellipsoidalis | Northern Pin Oak |
Quercus macrocarpa | Bur Oak |
Quercus rubra | Northern Red Oak |
Quercus velutina | Black Oak |
Ranunculus abortivus | Little-leaf Buttercup, Kidney-leaf Buttercup, Small-flower Crowfoot |
Ranunculus acris | Tall Buttercup, Common Buttercup, Crowfoot |
Ranunculus aquatilis | White Water Crowfoot, Long-beak Buttercup |
Ranunculus cymbalaria | Alkali Buttercup, Seaside Crowfoot |
Ranunculus fascicularis | Early Buttercup, Tufted Buttercup |
Ranunculus flabellaris | Yellow Water Buttercup, Large Yellow Water Crowfoot |
Ranunculus flammula | Lesser Spearwort, Creeping Spearwort, Creeping Buttercup |
Ranunculus gmelinii | Small Yellow Water Crowfoot, Gmelin's Buttercup |
Ranunculus hispidus | Hispid Buttercup, Bristly Buttercup, Swamp Buttercup, Marsh Buttercup |
Ranunculus lapponicus | Lapland Buttercup |
Ranunculus macounii | Macoun's Buttercup |
Ranunculus pensylvanicus | Pennsylvania Buttercup, Bristly Buttercup, Bristly Crowfoot |
Ranunculus recurvatus | Hooked Buttercup, Blisterwort, Hooked Crowfoot |
Ranunculus rhomboideus | Prairie Buttercup, Labrador Buttercup |
Ranunculus sceleratus | Cursed Crowfoot, Celery-leaf Buttercup, Cursed Buttercup |
Ranunculus testiculatus | Bur Buttercup, Curveseed Butterwort, Hornseed Buttercup |
Raphanus raphanistrum | Jointed Charlock, Wild Radish |
Ratibida columnifera | Prairie Coneflower, Upright Prairie Coneflower, Long-headed Coneflower, Mexican Hat |
Ratibida pinnata | Gray-headed Coneflower, Pinnate Prairie Coneflower, Yellow Coneflower |
Reynoutria japonica | Japanese Knotweed, Mexican Bamboo, Hancock's Curse |
Reynoutria X bohemica | Bohemian Knotweed |
Rhamnus alnifolia | Alder-leaved Buckthorn, Dwarf Alder, American Alder Buckthorn |
Rhamnus cathartica | Common Buckthorn |
Rhodiola integrifolia subsp. leedyi | Leedy's Roseroot |
Rhododendron groenlandicum | Labrador Tea |
Rhus aromatica | Fragrant Sumac, Skunkbush |
Rhus glabra | Smooth Sumac |
Rhus typhina | Staghorn Sumac |
Rhynchospora alba | White Beakrush, White Beaksedge |
Rhynchospora capillacea | Needle Beaksedge, Hair-like Beakrush, Horned Beakrush |
Rhynchospora capitellata | Brownish Beaksedge, Brownish Beakrush |
Rhynchospora fusca | Brown Beaksedge, Brown Beakrush, Sooty-colored Beakrush |
Ribes americanum | Wild Black Currant, American Black Currant, Eastern Black Currant |
Ribes aureum | Golden Currant, Buffalo Currant, Flowering Currant |
Ribes cynosbati | Prickly Gooseberry, Dogberry |
Ribes glandulosum | Skunk Currant |
Ribes hirtellum | Swamp Gooseberry, Hairy-stemmed Gooseberry |
Ribes hudsonianum | Northern Black Currant, Hudson Bay Currant, Western Black Currant, Stinking Currant |
Ribes lacustre | Swamp Black Currant, Bristly Swamp Currant, Bristly Black Currant, Prickly Currant, Black Swamp Gooseberry |
Ribes missouriense | Missouri Gooseberry |
Ribes oxyacanthoides | Northern Gooseberry, Canada Gooseberry |
Ribes rubrum | Garden Red Currant, Red Currant, Cultivated Currant |
Ribes triste | Swamp Red Currant |
Robinia hispida | Bristly Locust, Prickly Locust, Rose Acacia |
Robinia pseudoacacia | Black Locust |
Rorippa palustris | Bog Yellow-cress, Marsh Yellow Cress |
Rorippa sinuata | Spreading Yellow-cress, Creeping Yellow Cress, Western Yellowcress |
Rorippa sylvestris | Creeping Yellow-cress |
Rosa acicularis | Prickly Wild Rose, Prickly Rose |
Rosa arkansana | Prairie Rose, Wild Rose |
Rosa blanda | Smooth Wild Rose, Smooth Rose, Meadow Rose |
Rosa multiflora | Multiflora Rose |
Rosa woodsii | Wood's Wild Rose, Wood's Rose |
Rotala ramosior | Toothcup, Lowland Rotala |
Rubus ablatus | Plains Blackberry, Mountain Blackberry |
Rubus allegheniensis | Allegheny Blackberry, Common Blackberry |
Rubus alumnus | Old Field Blackberry |
Rubus arcticus | Arctic Raspberry, Arctic Bramble, Nagoonbery, Northern Blackberry |
Rubus canadensis | Smooth Blackberry, Canadian Blackberry, Smooth Highbush Blackberry |
Rubus chamaemorus | Cloudberry, Baked-apple Berry |
Rubus ferrofluvius | Iron River Dewberry |
Rubus idaeus | Wild Red Raspberry, American Red Raspberry, Common Red Raspberry |
Rubus multifer | Kinnickinnick Dewberry |
Rubus occidentalis | Black Raspberry |
Rubus parviflorus | Thimbleberry |
Rubus parvifolius | Small-leaf Bramble, Japanese Raspberry, Japanese Bramble, Australian Raspberry, Australian Bramble |
Rubus pubescens | Dwarf Raspberry, Dwarf Red Blackberry |
Rubus rosa | Rose Blackberry |
Rubus stipulatus | Big Horseshoe Lake Bristleberry |
Rubus uniformis | Uniform Bristleberry, Thornless Dewberry |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan |
Rudbeckia laciniata | Cut-leaf Coneflower, Green-headed Coneflower, Tall Coneflower, Golden Glow |
Rudbeckia subtomentosa | Sweet Coneflower, Sweet Black-eyed Susan |
Rudbeckia triloba | Brown-eyed Susan, Three-lobed Coneflower |
Ruellia humilis | Wild Petunia, Fringe-leaf Ruellia, Prairie Petunia, Hairy Wild Petunia |
Rumex acetosa | Green Sorrel, Common Sorrel, Garden Sorrel, Common Sheep Dock |
Rumex acetosella | Common Sheep Sorrel, Red Sorrel |
Rumex altissimus | Pale Dock, Tall Dock |
Rumex britannica | Great Water Dock |
Rumex crispus | Curly Dock, Curled Dock, Yellow Dock |
Rumex fueginus | Golden Dock, Seaside Dock, Tierra del Fuego Dock |
Rumex longifolius | Dooryard Dock, Northern Dock, Domestic Dock |
Rumex obtusifolius | Bitter Dock, Broad-leaved Dock |
Rumex patientia | Patience Dock |
Rumex pseudonatronatus | Field Dock |
Rumex stenophyllus | Narrowleaf Dock |
Rumex triangulivalvis | Mexican Dock, White Dock, White Willow Dock, Triangular-valved Dock |
Rumex verticillatus | Swamp Dock, Whorled Water Dock |
Sagina nodosa | Knotty Pearlwort, Knotted Pearlwort |
Sagina procumbens | Bird's-eye Pearlwort, Procumbent Pearlwort |
Sagittaria brevirostra | Short-beaked Arrowhead, Midwestern Arrowhead |
Sagittaria cristata | Crested Arrowhead |
Sagittaria cuneata | Arum-leaved Arrowhead, Northern Arrowhead |
Sagittaria latifolia | Broad-leaf Arrowhead, Common Arrowhead, Duck Potato |
Sagittaria montevidensis subsp. calycina | Hooded Arrowhead, Long-lobe Arrowhead, Mississippi Arrowhead |
Sagittaria rigida | Sessile-fruited Arrowhead |
Salicornia rubra | Red Saltwort, Red Glasswort, Western Glasswort, Red Swampfire, Red Samphire |
Salix amygdaloides | Peach-leaved Willow |
Salix bebbiana | Bebb's Willow, Beaked Willow |
Salix candida | Sage-leaved Willow, Hoary Willow |
Salix discolor | Pussy Willow |
Salix eriocephala | Missouri River Willow, Heart-leaved Willow |
Salix humilis | Prairie Willow, Upland Willow |
Salix interior | Sandbar Willow |
Salix lucida | Shining Willow |
Salix maccalliana | Maccalla's Willow, Hoary-fruited Willow |
Salix nigra | Black Willow |
Salix pedicellaris | Bog Willow |
Salix pellita | Satiny Willow |
Salix petiolaris | Meadow Willow, Slender Willow, Slender-leaved Willow, Black-bud Willow |
Salix planifolia | Diamond-leaf Willow, Tea-leaf Willow, Plane-leaf Willow |
Salix pseudomonticola | False Mountain Willow |
Salix pyrifolia | Balsam Willow |
Salix serissima | Autumn Willow |
Salix X fragilis | Crack Willow, White Crack Willow |
Salsola collina | Slender Russian Thistle |
Salsola tragus | Russian Thistle |
Salvia reflexa | Lance-leaved Sage, Rocky Mountain Sage, Mintweed |
Sambucus canadensis | Common Elderberry, Common Black Elder, Canadian Black Elderberry, American Elderberry |
Sambucus racemosa | Red-berried Elder, Red Elderberry |
Sanguinaria canadensis | Bloodroot |
Sanicula canadensis | Canadian Black Snakeroot, Canada Sanicle, Short-style Sanicle |
Sanicula marilandica | Maryland Black Snakeroot, Maryland Sanicle |
Sanicula odorata | Clustered Black Snakeroot, Gregarious Black Snakeroot, Fragrant Sanicle, Common Black Snakeroot |
Sanicula trifoliata | Beaked Snakeroot, Large-fruited Black Snakeroot, Large-fruited Sanicle |
Saponaria officinalis | Bouncing Bet, Soapwort |
Sarracenia purpurea | Purple Pitcher Plant, Northern Pitcher Plant |
Saxifraga paniculata | Encrusted Saxifrage, White Mountain Saxifrage |
Scheuchzeria palustris | Rannoch-rush, Pod Grass, Scheuchzeria |
Schizachne purpurascens | False Melic Grass, Purple Oat Grass |
Schizachyrium scoparium | Little Bluestem |
Schoenoplectiella purshiana | Weakstalk Bulrush, Weak-stalk Club-rush, Pursh's Tufted Bulrush |
Schoenoplectiella smithii | Smith's Bulrush, Blunt-scale Bulrush |
Schoenoplectus acutus | Hard-stem Bulrush, Hard-stem Club-rush |
Schoenoplectus heterochaetus | Slender Bulrush, Pale Great Club-rush |
Schoenoplectus pungens | Three-square Bulrush, Common Three-square |
Schoenoplectus subterminalis | Swaying Bulrush, Water Bulrush, Water Clubrush |
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | Soft-stem Bulrush, Soft-stem Club-rush |
Schoenoplectus torreyi | Torrey's Bulrush |
Scilla siberica | Siberian Squill |
Scirpus atrocinctus | Black-girdled Woolgrass, Black-girdled Woolsedge, Black-girdled Bulrush |
Scirpus atrovirens | Dark Green Bulrush |
Scirpus cyperinus | Woolgrass, Common Woolsedge |
Scirpus georgianus | Georgia Bulrush |
Scirpus hattorianus | Mosquito Bulrush, Smooth Bulsedge |
Scirpus microcarpus | Small-fruited Bulrush, Panicled Bulrush, Barber-pole Bulrush, Small-fruited Bulsedge |
Scirpus pallidus | Pale Bulrush, Pale Bulsedge |
Scirpus pedicellatus | Stalked Bulrush, Stalked Woolsedge |
Scirpus pendulus | Rufous Bulrush, Nodding Bulrush, Red Bulrush |
Scleranthus annuus | Knawel, German Knotgrass, Annual Knawel |
Scleranthus perennis | Perennial Knawel |
Scleria triglomerata | Whip Nutrush, Tall Nutrush, Whip Nutsedge, Stone Rush, Whip-grass |
Scleria verticillata | Whorled Nutrush, Low Nutrush, Low Nutsedge |
Scorzoneroides autumnalis | Autumn Hawkbit, Fall Dandelion |
Scrophularia lanceolata | Lance-leaf Figwort, Early Figwort, Hare Figwort |
Scrophularia marilandica | Maryland Figwort, Late Figwort, Carpenter's Square, Eastern Figwort |
Scutellaria galericulata | Marsh Skullcap, Common Skullcap |
Scutellaria lateriflora | Mad-dog Skullcap, Blue Skullcap |
Scutellaria leonardii | Leonard's Skullcap, Small Skullcap |
Scutellaria ovata | Heart-leaved Skullcap, Ovate-leaved Skullcap |
Securigera varia | Crown Vetch, Purple Crownvetch |
Selaginella rupestris | Rock Spikemoss, Northern Selaginella, Ledge Spikemoss |
Senecio integerrimus | Lambstongue Ragwort, Entire Ragwort, Western Groundsel |
Senecio viscosus | Sticky Ragwort, Sticky Groundsel |
Senecio vulgaris | Common Groundsel |
Setaria faberi | Giant Foxtail, Chinese Foxtail, Japanese Bristlegrass |
Setaria pumila | Yellow Foxtail, Yellow Bristlegrass |
Setaria verticillata | Bristly Foxtail, Hooked Foxtail, Hooked Bristlegrass |
Setaria viridis | Green Foxtail, Green Bristlegrass |
Shepherdia argentea | Silver Buffaloberry |
Shepherdia canadensis | Canada Buffaloberry, Russet Buffaloberry, Soapberry |
Shinnersoseris rostrata | Annual Skeletonweed |
Sibbaldiopsis tridentata | Three-toothed Cinquefoil, Wineleaf Potentilla |
Sicyos angulatus | Bur Cucumber, Oneseed Burr Cucumber |
Silene antirrhina | Sleepy Catchfly |
Silene csereii | Balkan Catchfly |
Silene drummondii | Drummond's Campion |
Silene hitchguirei | Mountain Campion |
Silene latifolia | White Campion, Bladder Campion, White Cockle |
Silene nivea | Snowy Campion |
Silene noctiflora | Night-flowering Catchfly, Night-flowering Campion |
Silene stellata | Starry Campion, Widowsfrill |
Silene vulgaris | Bladder Campion |
Silphium integrifolium | Rosinweed, Whole-leaf Rosinweed, Prairie Rosinweed |
Silphium laciniatum | Compass Plant |
Silphium perfoliatum | Cup Plant |
Silphium terebinthinaceum | Prairie Dock |
Sinapis arvensis | Charlock, Wild Mustard, Field Mustard |
Sisymbrium altissimum | Tall Tumble Mustard, Jim Hill Mustard |
Sisymbrium loeselii | Tall Hedge Mustard, Small Tumbleweed Mustard |
Sisymbrium officinale | Hedge Mustard |
Sisyrinchium campestre | Prairie Blue-eyed Grass, White-eyed Grass |
Sisyrinchium montanum | Mountain Blue-eyed Grass |
Sisyrinchium mucronatum | Needle-pointed Blue-eyed Grass |
Sium suave | Water Parsnip, Hemlock Water Parsnip |
Smilax ecirrhata | Upright Carrion Flower, Erect Carrion Flower |
Smilax illinoensis | Illinois Carrion Flower, Illinois Greenbrier |
Smilax lasioneura | Blue Ridge Carrion Flower, Common Carrion Flower |
Smilax tamnoides | Bristly Greenbrier, Chinaroot |
Solanum carolinense | Horse Nettle |
Solanum dulcamara | Bittersweet Nightshade, Climbing Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade, Woody Nightshade |
Solanum physalifolium | Hairy Nightshade, Hoe Nightshade, Argentine Nightshade, Ground Cherry Nightshade |
Solanum ptychanthum | Black Nightshade, Eastern Black Nightshade, West Indian Nightshade |
Solanum rostratum | Buffalo Bur Nightshade, Kansas Thistle |
Solidago altissima | Tall Goldenrod, Late Goldenrod |
Solidago canadensis | Canada Goldenrod, Tall Goldenrod |
Solidago flexicaulis | Zigzag Goldenrod, Broad-leaved Goldenrod |
Solidago gigantea | Giant Goldenrod, Late Goldenrod |
Solidago hispida | Hairy Goldenrod |
Solidago juncea | Early Goldenrod |
Solidago missouriensis | Missouri Goldenrod |
Solidago mollis | Velvety Goldenrod, Soft Goldenrod, Ashy Goldenrod |
Solidago nemoralis | Gray Goldenrod, Field Goldenrod, Old-field Goldenrod |
Solidago ptarmicoides | Upland White Goldenrod, Prairie Goldenrod, Sneezewort Aster |
Solidago riddellii | Riddell's Goldenrod |
Solidago rigida | Stiff Goldenrod |
Solidago sciaphila | Cliff Goldenrod, Driftless Goldenrod, Shadowy Goldenrod |
Solidago speciosa | Showy Goldenrod |
Solidago uliginosa | Bog Goldenrod |
Solidago ulmifolia | Elm-leaved Goldenrod |
Sonchus arvensis | Perennial Sowthistle, Field Sowthistle |
Sonchus asper | Spiny Sowthistle, Prickly Sowthistle |
Sonchus oleraceus | Common Sowthistle, Annual Sowthistle |
Sorbus americana | American Mountain-ash |
Sorbus aucuparia | European Mountain-ash, Rowan |
Sorbus decora | Showy Mountain-ash, Northern Mountain-ash |
Sorghastrum nutans | Indian Grass, Yellow Indian Grass |
Sparganium americanum | American Bur-reed, Lesser Bur-reed, Nuttall's Bur-reed |
Sparganium androcladum | Branched Bur-reed, Branching Bur-reed |
Sparganium angustifolium | Narrow-leaf Bur-reed, Floating Bur-reed |
Sparganium emersum | Unbranched Bur-reed, European Bur-reed |
Sparganium eurycarpum | Giant Bur-reed, Broad-fruit Bur-reed |
Sparganium fluctuans | Floating Bur-reed |
Sparganium glomeratum | Clustered Bur-reed, Northern Bur-reed |
Sparganium natans | Small Bur-reed, Arctic Bur-reed |
Spartina pectinata | Prairie Cordgrass, Sloughgrass, Freshwater Cordgrass |
Spergularia rubra | Red Sand Spurrey |
Sphaeralcea coccinea | Scarlet Globe-mallow, Cowboy's Delight, Red False Mallow |
Sphenopholis intermedia | Slender Wedgegrass, Slender Wedgescale |
Sphenopholis obtusata | Prairie Wedgegrass, Prairie Wedgescale |
Spinulum annotinum | Stiff Clubmoss, Bristly Clubmoss, Common Interrupted Clubmoss |
Spinulum canadense | Northern Clubmoss, Northern Bristly Clubmoss, Northern Interrupted Clubmoss |
Spiraea alba | White Meadowsweet |
Spiraea tomentosa | Steeplebush, Hardhack |
Spiranthes casei | Case's Ladies'-tresses |
Spiranthes cernua | Nodding Ladies'-tresses |
Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis | Southern Slender Ladies'-tresses |
Spiranthes lacera var. lacera | Northern Slender Ladies'-tresses |
Spiranthes magnicamporum | Great Plains Ladies'-tresses, Late-flowering Ladies-tresses |
Spiranthes romanzoffiana | Hooded Ladies'-tresses |
Spirodela polyrrhiza | Greater Duckweed, Great Duckmeal, Common Duckmeat |
Sporobolus compositus | Rough Dropseed, Tall Dropseed, Composite Dropseed |
Sporobolus cryptandrus | Sand Dropseed |
Sporobolus heterolepis | Prairie Dropseed |
Sporobolus neglectus | Small Dropseed, Annual Dropseed, Puffsheath Dropseed |
Sporobolus vaginiflorus | Poverty Dropseed, Sheathed Dropseed |
Stachys hispida | Hairy Hedge Nettle, Rough Hedge Nettle |
Stachys palustris | Marsh Hedge Nettle, Woundwort |
Staphylea trifolia | Bladdernut, American Bladdernut |
Stellaria graminea | Lesser Stitchwort, Grass-leaved Stitchwort, Grass-leaved Chickweed |
Stellaria longifolia | Long-leaf Starwort, Long-leaved Stitchwort |
Stellaria longipes | Long-stalk Starwort, Goldie's Starwort |
Stellaria media | Common Chickweed |
Streptopus amplexifolius | Clasping-leaved Twisted-stalk, Watermelon Berry, White Mandarin, Wild Cucumber |
Streptopus lanceolatus | Rose Twisted-stalk, Rose Mandarin, Rosybells, Sessile-leaf Twisted-stalk |
Strophostyles helvola | Wild Bean, Trailing Fuzzybean, Trailing Wild Bean, Amberique-bean |
Strophostyles leiosperma | Trailing Pea, Slick-seed Fuzzybean, Small Fuzzy-bean, Smooth-seed Wild Bean |
Suaeda calceoliformis | Seablite, American Seablite, Pursh's Seepweed, Horned Seepweed |
Sullivantia sullivantii | Sullivant's Coolwort, Reniform Sullivantia |
Symphoricarpos albus | Snowberry, Common Snowberry, White Snowberry |
Symphoricarpos occidentalis | Wolfberry, Western Snowberry |
Symphyotrichum boreale | Northern Bog Aster, Rush Aster |
Symphyotrichum ciliatum | Rayless Aster, Rayless Alkali Aster, Short-rayed Aster |
Symphyotrichum ciliolatum | Lindley's Aster, Ciliolate Aster, Northern Heart-leaved Aster |
Symphyotrichum cordifolium | Blue Wood Aster, Heart-leaved Aster, Heart-leaved American Aster, Broad-leaved Aster, Lowrie's Blue Wood Aster |
Symphyotrichum drummondii | Drummond's Aster |
Symphyotrichum ericoides | Heath Aster, White Heath Aster |
Symphyotrichum firmum | Shining Aster, Glossy-leaf Aster |
Symphyotrichum laeve | Smooth Blue Aster |
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum | Panicled Aster, Eastern Panicled Aster, White Panicled Aster, Lance-leaved Aster |
Symphyotrichum lateriflorum | Calico Aster, Side-flowering Aster |
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae | New England Aster |
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium | Aromatic Aster, Fall Aster |
Symphyotrichum ontarionis | Ontario Aster, Bottomland Aster |
Symphyotrichum oolentangiense | Sky-blue Aster, Azure Aster |
Symphyotrichum pilosum | Awl Aster, Frost Aster, Hairy White Oldfield Aster |
Symphyotrichum prenanthoides | Crooked Aster, Crooked-stem Aster, Zig-zag Aster |
Symphyotrichum puniceum | Purple-stemmed Aster, Red-stem Aster, Swamp Aster |
Symphyotrichum sericeum | Silky Aster, Western Silver Aster |
Symphyotrichum shortii | Short's Aster |
Symphyotrichum urophyllum | Arrowleaf Aster, White Arrow-leaved Aster, Tail-leaved Aster |
Symphytum officinale | Common Comfrey, Knitbone |
Symplocarpus foetidus | Skunk Cabbage |
Taenidia integerrima | Yellow Pimpernel |
Tamarix ramosissima | Saltcedar, Tamarisk, Five-stamen Tamarisk |
Tanacetum parthenium | Feverfew |
Tanacetum vulgare | Common Tansy, Golden-buttons |
Taraxacum erythrospermum | Red-seeded Dandelion |
Taraxacum officinale | Common Dandelion |
Taxus canadensis | Canada Yew, American Yew, Ground Hemlock |
Tephroseris palustris | Marsh Ragwort, Marsh Fleabane, Swamp Ragwort, Swamp Groundsel |
Tephrosia virginiana | Goat's-rue, Virginia Tephrosia, Catgut, Hoary-pea, Rabbit-pea |
Teucrium canadense | Germander, Canada Germander, American Germander, Wood Sage |
Thalictrum dasycarpum | Tall Meadow Rue, Purple Meadow Rue |
Thalictrum dioicum | Early Meadow Rue, Quicksilver-weed |
Thalictrum thalictroides | Rue Anemone, Meadowrue |
Thalictrum venulosum | Veiny Meadow Rue, Northern Meadow-rue |
Thaspium barbinode | Hairy-jointed Meadow Parsnip |
Thelypteris palustris | Northern Marsh Fern, Eastern Marsh Fern |
Thinopyrum intermedium | Intermediate Wheatgrass |
Thladiantha dubia | Red Hailstone, Golden Creeper, Manchu Tubergourd |
Thlaspi arvense | Field Pennycress |
Thuja occidentalis | White Cedar, Arborvitae, Swamp Cedar, Northern White Cedar, Eastern White Cedar |
Tilia americana | American Basswood, American Linden, Basswood |
Tilia cordata | Little-leaf Linden, Small-leaved Lime |
Tofieldia pusilla | Small False Asphodel, Scottish Asphodel, Scotch False Asphodel, Scotch Featherling |
Torilis japonica | Japanese Hedge Parsley, Erect Hedge Parsley |
Toxicodendron radicans | Eastern Poison Ivy, Common Poison Ivy |
Toxicodendron rydbergii | Western Poison Ivy |
Toxicodendron vernix | Poison Sumac |
Tradescantia bracteata | Long-bracted Spiderwort, Bracted Spiderwort |
Tradescantia occidentalis | Spiderwort, Prairie Spiderwort, Western Spiderwort |
Tradescantia ohiensis | Ohio Spiderwort, Bluejacket |
Tragopogon dubius | Yellow Goat's Beard, Yellow Salsify, Fistulous Goat's-beard |
Tragopogon pratensis | Meadow Goat's Beard, Showy Goat's-beard, Meadow Salsify, Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon |
Triadenum fraseri | Fraser's Marsh St. Johnswort, Bog St. John's-wort |
Triantha glutinosa | Sticky False Asphodel, Sticky Tofieldia |
Trichophorum alpinum | Alpine Bulrush, Hudson Bay Bulrush, Alpine Club-sedge, Alpine Leafless-Bulrush |
Trichophorum cespitosum | Tufted Bulrush, Tufted Club-sedge, Tufted Club-rush, Tufted Leafless-Bulrush, Deergrass |
Trichophorum clintonii | Clinton's Bulrush, Clinton's Club-sedge, Clinton's Leafless-Bulrush |
Trichostema brachiatum | False Pennyroyal, Fluxweed |
Tridens flavus | Purpletop, Grease Grass, Tall Redtop |
Trifolium arvense | Rabbit-foot Clover, Hare's-foot Clover |
Trifolium aureum | Golden Clover, Palmate Hop Clover, Yellow Hop Clover |
Trifolium campestre | Low Hop Clover, Field Clover, Plains Clover |
Trifolium fragiferum | Strawberry Clover |
Trifolium hybridum | Alsike Clover |
Trifolium incarnatum | Crimson Clover |
Trifolium pratense | Red Clover |
Trifolium repens | White Clover, Dutch Clover |
Triglochin maritima | Seaside Arrowgrass |
Triglochin palustris | Marsh Arrowgrass |
Trillium cernuum | Nodding Trillium, Whip-poor-will Flower |
Trillium flexipes | Drooping Trillium, Nodding Wake-robin, Declined Trillium, Bent Trillium |
Trillium grandiflorum | Large-flowered Trillium, White Trillium, Snow Trillium, White Wake Robin |
Trillium nivale | Snow Trillium, Dwarf White Trillium, Dwarf White Wake-robin |
Triodanis perfoliata | Clasping-leaved Venus' Looking-glass, Clasping Venus' Looking-glass |
Triosteum aurantiacum | Early Horse Gentian, Orange-fruited Horse Gentian, Scarlet-fruited Horse Gentian |
Triosteum perfoliatum | Late Horse Gentian, Fever-wort, Wild Coffee |
Triplasis purpurea | Purple Sandgrass |
Tripleurospermum inodorum | Scentless False Mayweed, Scentless Chamomile, False Chamomile |
Trisetum spicatum | Spike Trisetum, Narrow False Oat, Downy Oatgrass |
Tsuga canadensis | Eastern Hemlock, Canda Hemlock |
Turritis glabra | Tower Mustard, Tower Rockcress |
Typha angustifolia | Narrow-leaved Cattail |
Typha latifolia | Broad-leaf Cat-tail, Common Cattail |
Typha X glauca | Hybrid Cattail, White Cattail |
Ulmus americana | American Elm, White Elm |
Ulmus pumila | Siberian Elm, Chinese Elm |
Ulmus rubra | Red Elm, Slippery Elm |
Ulmus thomasii | Rock Elm, Cork Elm |
Urtica dioica | Stinging Nettle, California Nettle |
Utricularia cornuta | Horned Bladderwort, Spurred Bladderwort |
Utricularia geminiscapa | Hidden-fruit Bladderwort, Twin-stemmed Bladderwort, Mixed Bladderwort |
Utricularia gibba | Humped Bladderwort, Creeping Bladderwort |
Utricularia intermedia | Flat-leaved Bladderwort |
Utricularia minor | Lesser Bladderwort |
Utricularia purpurea | Purple-flowered Bladderwort |
Utricularia resupinata | Lavender Bladderwort, Resupinate Bladderwort, Northeastern Bladderwort, Inverted Bladderwort |
Utricularia vulgaris | Common Bladderwort, Greater Bladderwort, Hooded Water-Milfoil |
Uvularia grandiflora | Large-flowered Bellwort |
Uvularia sessilifolia | Sessile-leaf Bellwort, Straw Lily, Wild Oats |
Vaccinium angustifolium | Lowbush Blueberry |
Vaccinium caespitosum | Dwarf Bilberry, Dwarf Huckleberry |
Vaccinium macrocarpon | Large Cranberry |
Vaccinium myrtilloides | Velvet-leaf Blueberry |
Vaccinium oxycoccos | Small Cranberry, Bog Cranberry |
Vaccinium uliginosum | Alpine Bilberry |
Vaccinium vitis-idaea | Lingonberry, Cowberry, Mountain Cranberry |
Valeriana edulis | Edible Valerian, Tobacco Root |
Valeriana officinalis | Garden Heliotrope, Garden Valerian, White Valerian |
Vallisneria americana | American Eelgrass, Water Celery, Wild Celery, Tape-grass |
Verbascum blattaria | Moth Mullein |
Verbascum thapsus | Common Mullein, Great Mullein |
Verbena bracteata | Big-bract Verbena, Prostrate Vervain, Bracted Vervain, Creeping Vervain |
Verbena hastata | Blue Vervain, Swamp Verbena |
Verbena simplex | Narrow-leaved Vervain |
Verbena stricta | Hoary Vervain, Hoary Verbena |
Verbena urticifolia | White Vervain, Nettle-leaf Vervain |
Vernonia fasciculata | Prairie Ironweed, Western Ironweed, Smooth Ironweed, Bunched Ironweed |
Veronica americana | American Speedwell, American Brooklime |
Veronica arvensis | Corn Speedwell, Wall Speedwell |
Veronica catenata | Water Speedwell, Pink Water Speedwell |
Veronica longifolia | Long-leaved Speedwell, Garden Speedwell |
Veronica officinalis | Common Speedwell, Common Gypsyweed, Health Speedwell |
Veronica peregrina | Purslane Speedwell, Neckweed |
Veronica persica | Bird's-eye Speedwell, Persian Speedwell, Common Field Speedwell |
Veronica scutellata | Marsh Speedwell, Narrow-leaved Speedwell, Skullcap Speedwell |
Veronica serpyllifolia | Thyme-leaf Speedwell |
Veronica verna | Spring Speedwell |
Veronicastrum virginicum | Culver's Root |
Viburnum edule | Squashberry, Highbush Cranberry, Lowbush Cranberry, Mooseberry |
Viburnum lentago | Nannyberry, Sheepberry |
Viburnum opulus var. americanum | American Highbush Cranberry |
Viburnum opulus var. opulus | Guelder-rose, European Highbush Cranberry, Snowball Bush |
Viburnum rafinesquianum | Downy Arrow-wood |
Vicia americana | American Vetch, Purple Vetch |
Vicia cracca | Tufted Vetch, Bird Vetch, Cow Vetch |
Vicia sativa | Common Vetch, Spring Vetch, Garden Vetch |
Vicia villosa | Hairy Vetch, Winter Vetch |
Vinca minor | Periwinkle, Creeping Myrtle, Running Myrtle, Lesser Periwinkle |
Viola adunca | Sand Violet, Hooked-spur Violet, Western Dog Violet, Early Blue Violet |
Viola cucullata | Marsh Blue Violet, Hooded Violet |
Viola eriocarpa | Smooth Yellow Violet |
Viola grisea | Great Lakes Violet |
Viola incognita | Sweet White Violet, Large-leaved White Violet |
Viola labradorica | Dog Violet, American Dog Violet, Alpine Violet, Labrador Violet |
Viola lanceolata | Lance-leaved Violet, Bog White Violet, Strap-leaved Violet |
Viola macloskeyi var. pallens | Small White Violet, Northern White Violet, Smooth White Violet |
Viola nephrophylla | Northern Bog Violet |
Viola nuttallii | Yellow Prairie Violet, Nuttall's Violet |
Viola pedata | Birdfoot Violet, Beardless Birdfoot Violet |
Viola pedatifida | Prairie Violet, Bearded Birdfoot Violet |
Viola primulifolia | Primrose-leaved Violet |
Viola pubescens | Downy Yellow Violet, Smooth Yellow Violet |
Viola renifolia | Kidney-leaved Violet |
Viola rugulosa | Western Canada White Violet, Canada Violet, Rugulose Violet, Rydberg's Violet, Great Plains White Violet |
Viola sagittata | Arrow-leaved Violet, Arrowhead Violet |
Viola selkirkii | Great-spurred Violet, Selkirk's Violet |
Viola sororia | Common Blue Violet, Woolly Blue Violet, Northern Blue Violet |
Vitis aestivalis | Summer Grape, Silverleaf Grape |
Vitis riparia | Riverbank Grape, Wild Grape, Frost Grape |
Vulpia octoflora | Six-weeks Fescue, Eight-week Fescue, Pull-out Grass, Eight-flower Six-weeks Grass |
Waldsteinia fragarioides | Barren Strawberry |
Wolffia borealis | Northern Watermeal, Spotted Watermeal |
Wolffia columbiana | Columbian Watermeal |
Woodsia alpina | Alpine Woodsia, Northern Cliff Fern |
Woodsia glabella | Smooth Woodsia, Smooth Cliff Fern |
Woodsia ilvensis | Rusty Woodsia, Rusty Cliff Fern |
Woodsia obtusa | Blunt-lobed Woodsia, Blunt-lobe Cliff Fern |
Woodsia oregana | Oregon Woodsia, Oregon Cliff Fern, Western Cliff Fern, Cathcart's Woodsia |
Woodsia scopulina | Rocky Mountain Woodsia, Mountain Cliff Fern |
Xanthisma spinulosum | Cutleaf Ironplant, Lacy Tansyaster, Spiny Goldenaster |
Xanthium strumarium | Cocklebur |
Xyris montana | Northern Yellow-eyed Grass, Bog Yellow-eyed Grass, Montane Yellow-eyed Grass |
Xyris torta | Twisted Yellow-eyed Grass, Slender Yellow-eyed Grass |
Zanthoxylum americanum | Prickly Ash |
Zigadenus elegans | Mountain Death Camas, White Camas |
Zizania palustris | Wild Rice, Northern Wild Rice |
Zizia aptera | Heart-leaved Alexanders, Meadow Zizia |
Zizia aurea | Golden Alexanders, Golden Zizia |