Pink Minnesota Wildflowers
These wildflowers are in the color range of pale pink to magenta. Color is subjective, however, so if you don't see what you're looking for here you might try another color or the advanced plant search. If you still can't find it post it on our Facebook page.
Securigera variaCrown Vetch
Strophostyles helvolaWild Bean
Strophostyles leiospermaTrailing Pea
Tephrosia virginianaGoat's-rue
Trifolium arvenseRabbit-foot Clover
Trifolium fragiferumStrawberry Clover
Trifolium hybridumAlsike Clover
Trifolium pratenseRed Clover
Vicia americanaAmerican Vetch
Vicia craccaTufted Vetch
Vicia sativaCommon Vetch
Vicia villosaHairy Vetch
Adlumia fungosaAllegheny Vine
Corydalis sempervirensPale Corydalis
Centaurium pulchellumBranching Centaury
Gentiana andrewsiiBottle Gentian
Gentiana rubricaulis Great Lakes Gentian
Geranium bicknelliiBicknell's Cranesbill
Geranium carolinianumCarolina Cranesbill
Geranium maculatumWild Geranium
Geranium sibiricumSiberian Cranesbill
Triadenum fraseriFraser's Marsh St. Johnswort
Luzula luzuloidesOak Forest Woodrush
Chaiturus marrubiastrumFalse Motherwort
Clinopodium vulgareWild Basil
Galeopsis tetrahitBrittlestem Hemp-nettle
Lamium amplexicauleHenbit
Leonurus cardiacaMotherwort
Leonurus sibiricusSiberian Motherwort
Mentha arvensisWild Mint
Mentha spicataSpearmint
Monarda fistulosaWild Bergamot
Nepeta catariaCatnip
Physostegia virginianaObedient Plant
Stachys hispidaHairy Hedge Nettle
Stachys palustrisMarsh Hedge Nettle
Teucrium canadenseGermander
Trichostema brachiatumFalse Pennyroyal
Utricularia purpureaPurple-flowered Bladderwort
Utricularia resupinataLavender Bladderwort